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Favorite music poll


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What's your favorite music genre?


Damn. This was supposed to be a poll but i forgot to click that little thing. :(


well anyways.


1. Punk

2. Rock

3. Harder Rock

4. Rap

5. Techno, Dance...

6. Other


This have been done earlier but still....

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Originally posted by Snootch

harcor4e japanese rap. that was a good one. I once heard Chinese heavy metal on the radio and i couldn't help laughing. :)




but hardcore 'jap rap' as my friends and i so racestly put it (i am in no way a racist, just pointing out that calling someone a jap is racist and you shouldnt do it) really is awesome, they know how to flooowww.

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7) Jap Rap :p


true: i have a friend that steals cable (tv, for those who though he would go and steal a piece of plastic cable :p). i was in his house when he was plugging in, and he did something we started receiving a jappanese section (channel 127-136 :eek: ) n there was this jap rapper (not really, but he sang funny)... we were laughing so hard!!!! we taped it, i ll se if i can find it, i ll show u guys. its awsomeS!

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