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im going to brazil...

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...in 5 h. see how weird my life is?


anyways, i ll stay there for lika month, and i wont have a computer, so u i need some1 to take over the graph while im gone. (i just need the important happennings in these days: december 10th-14th, 15th-19th, 20th-24th, 25th-29th, 30th-3rd, 4th-8th, 9th-13th, and then i ll come back), i think i can get the numbers, but if some1 is willing to do that also, just take the number from LucasForums in those periods of time.



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Byeeeeeeee Al *smooochies* We wuv you, send us a postcard, and no getting into trouble- and don't talk to any toy you don't know!!!


Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year- party hard and drink as much as you want, but don't drink to the point of passing out- that's no fun, you wanna be able to remember your time!!!!


Luv ya sweety

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