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Air Transport thing I think should be fixed


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Originally posted by Influenza

Calm down, WC. No matter what you feel about the scale of units, you have to admit that an AT-AT should not be able to fit in an Imperial Landing Craft. There's no debating that. It's insincere to the Star Wars universe.


You need to realize that the scaling of the game is independent of SW reality. It's just a way to represent the SW universe in an easier-to-manage style. If the designers had made the AT-AT the size of a trooper, its power would remain unchanged, because size and power are not related in this RTS. Changing the size of the AT-AT does not and should not change its fundamental characteristics, i.e. big, slow, and bad-ass. It also does not change the fact that AT-AT's shouldn't fit in a transport.


Now I know you're going to bring up that only 5 troopers can fit in a transport, when in SW reality an entire legion will fit. Well, that again is just part of the scaling. One Stormtrooper in GB is as powerful as an entire squad in SW reality (a squad of stormies couldn't destroy a building in a million years using just their blasters, yet a SWGB trooper will eventually do it). So instead of being able to transport XX number of "reality-troopers", the designers scaled down the space to 5 "super-troopers." So you can fit fewer, more powerful troopers in the same space. The net firepower is virtually the same in "SW reality."


But the same scaling rules do *not* apply to boolean values, i.e. true/false characteristics. AT-AT's cannot be transported by Landing Craft, so we can say that they are "transportable = false;" in coding terms. Scaling the AT-AT does not change the boolean value; it stays false no matter what the model size (this probably doesn't make any sense at all unless you're a programmer).


Here's another example to chew on. How would the Battle of Hoth turned out if General Veers had simply built an air transport and dropped his AT-AT's off next to the Power Generators? The Rebs had no air-defenses, so there's no way they could have stopped it. Wouldn't that have been lame?


So you see, some of us highly value SW accuracy. And loading 5 AT-AT's into an air transport, sadly, has 0% accuracy :(.


I don't use the Imps that much but can you put at-st and at-pts in the air transports? In rogue squadron for n64 a landing craft carried a couple of thos on the 3rd mission.

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