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My new sci fi story tht i made

Delphi's Clone

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Galaxy Wars Vade Squadron: The First Invasion

This story has been copy righted in 2001 any duplication of this text or charecters in it will follow in prosicution by law.








"This is concoy alph......... we are under attack........... unknown ships.......... are attacking us the seem t......................" END OF TRANSMISSION.

"As you can see here Wade one of our convoys was attacked by unkonwn ships. We have no clue who they were and where they cam from, due to the bad transmission quality. When we arrived we only saw small peices of twisted metal and debris floating round. We collected all that was left of the convoy ships, and we couldn't understand why anyone would have just destroyed the convoy and not taken the goods it was transporting. Due to that fact, we ruled out that it might have been a pirate attack; we think that another type of army wants to start a war with us. Beacause of what happend yesterday, we are calling all military ships and star fighter squadrons back on duty. When do you think you could get all your people and ships together Wade?" the admiral said.

Wade said "I think i'd be able to get all my prople together in about 2 days admiral."

"Well we dont have that much time Wade, I want you to report on the Everquest with all you people and star fighters in 1 day. Their you'll get a more desciptive breifing about yourr mission"

"Yes sir I'll do my best" well i'd better get through to my people as soon as possible "computer open a link to





to be continude hehe i'll be updateing this every so often this is only a draft the full version will be for sale on the markets in about 6-months to a year if i'm lucky :)


there are also many more charecters

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Wow this is like a billion other Sci-Fi stories that I've read: Under attack from a mysterious enigmatic race, hunky good guy etc. The grammar was better than that of your regular posts.


I critique books as a hobby so I know what I'm talking about

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heres a continuation



all Vade squadron members. Vade’s this is commander Wade Anders you are to rendezvous with me at the Everquest in 20 hours from now you are now in active duty” well I’d better start packing.

“What that soon I’ll barley make it. Computer open a channel to Mara Kolak. Hey Mara you here that were on duty again.” Krev said

Mara replied “ Ya I got it just a minute ago on my comp I wonder what happened… well whatever happened we better star going, it’s a 16 hour flight from here” Mara said.

“Your right well see you at the Everquest.”

“See you there.”

20 hours later…

“Wow look at the size of the thing I forgot how big those SSC’s were” Olos said (Vade 9).

Wade replied, “cut the chatter 9, they’re calling us.”

“This is the Super Star Cruiser Everquest welcome please transmit your ID” comm. officer said.

“This is Vade 1 here you go” wade transmitted the code

“Your clear commander”

“Welcome Vade squadron I’m most pleased to see you could show up in time. All Vade’s please land in Hanger bay one and report to my office at once” Admiral Dugan said.

“Nice to see you to Admiral; Will do. Ok Vade’s follow up with the landing procedure” Wade said.

Wade climbs out of his ship Hmm more orderly than the last time I was her all the ships are in row and the hangers floor, though toughly worn and scorched by the Space Craft that land and take of here, is so shiny that I can see a reflection of myself. Hmm sure wasn’t this nice in the old civil war. I go with my fellow Vade’s up the stairs and in to the Admirals room.

“ Greeting’s Vade Squadron. I am truly sorry I had to haul you here in such short notice but this is very important, as most of you probably know there was an attack on one of our convoy’s nothing was left except debris. We didn’t even find the debris of one of the enemy fighters, which means that the attacker had no casualties; this causes a problem for us since a squadron of fighters was guarding the convoy. A few minutes ago we picked up a transition from the 3d world in the sullaraari system it said they were under attack by hundreds of ships of unknown kind. Your mission is to go in to the system with one SC and 2 other squadrons of fighters and go save the other planets from destruction. Now any questions?” the admiral said.

“ No sir” Wade said.

“Good then report to the SC Demolisher’s hanger at once there you craft will be fully reloaded. Good luck.”


“ Ok Vades you heard what the Admiral said move it”

The Vades arrive

“Ok group, form attack position stay sharp and fire when space missiles when ready, they’re almost here” Wade said.

I’ve got a lock, Wades targeting box goes red, and fire two reddish green blurs fly fast away towards his the hundreds of ships and so do the rockets of the of the other ships but Wade keeps an eye on his missiles but to his surprise when the missiles blow up about 17 ships vanish in the fantastic red blue ball of fire; but the ball is only big enough to engulf 5 of the ships while the others are only scraped by the explosion but they still blow up, one of them goes of spinning towards two of his other and crashes in to them all 3 of them blow up in a spectacular ball of blue orange fire. The others rockets have the same affect, then wade notices the enemy ships must have no shields.

“This is Vade one all craft save the missiles for the capital ships their Star Fighters have no shields” wade said

The dogfight doesn’t last very long the enemy fighters are no match for the shielded star fighters of the Republic but 6 republic fighters are lost in the fight due to the swarms of enemy craft.

“Now lets go for the capital ships Gold 1, Gold 2, Gold 3, Vade 2, Vade 3, Vade 4, and Vade 5 use my targeting coordinates fire in ten, nine, eight, five, four, three, two, one, fire and the missiles rocket right toward the capital ship, the capital ship was about ¼ the size of a SC but there are about 50 of them in the system which makes them quite formidable, the ships shields hold out 3 of the concentrated missile blasts and then collapse in a bright blue flare. The other shots make it to the hull and explode; the ship starts twisting where it is hit and then violently blows up. The fighter squadrons repeat the procedure about 23 times, and 23 of the small capital ships blow up.

“ Flight break off I repeat break off let’s go back to the SC and help guard it as best we can we are all out of missiles” wade says

The SC concentrates it’s fire at one ship at a time and after two of those blasts the ship blows up, but all the other enemy ships do the same thing to the SC each time they hit, they blow away 20% of the SC’s shields after 1 minute 17 of the enemy ships are blasted away but the SC’s shields are down and the remaining 10 warships concentrate their fir on the SC’s bridge the SC’s takes 7 more warships down. But then the SC’s bridge blows up making a chain reaction right there about 100 escape pods start blasting away from the ship and then the ship finally blows up. The Blow was so tremendous that it destroys tango 3 and tango 4, and they were about 2 miles away from the blast. After that the remaining enemy warships retreat and enter into hyperspace.

“This battle is won all fighters engage hyper drive and fly to the Everquest” wade says.

Yes the battle was won but at what cost? A whole world is demolished and a SC is blown out of space. ................................

to be continued



just wrote that hehe i'll be done soon and i'll send it to an editor and than i will rewrite it :)

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