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Heroes in the Scenario Editor


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Leaving my major x-pack suggestion aside for a moment (Mon Cal)


I would like to ask the developer's to add some more Expanded Universe Heroes (and I don't mean every single one, I know that's insane) But I think there are major books such as the Thrawn Trilogy or Shadows of the Empire which should be represented in the game.


I have two campaign ideas, which I can't do, because of lack of characters (I know you can change units' names, but there are some graphics for some characters that are missing)


Say, I'd like to ask for: Thrawn, Joruus C'Baoth, Ackbar (which would be the Mon Cal Hero ) Talon Karrde, Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma, Prince Xizor, Guri, Dash Rendar, The Outrider, IG-88 and perhaps some ships or background characters from the books mentioned above. (Star Vipers)


COOL ADDITION: Star Wars Locale- Myrkr; YSALAMARI as wildlife!!!!!


Well thanks, Mr. Gaber and all the Developers, hope you take this into consideration.



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Guest BountyHunter

Emperor's Royal Guards.


More Bounty Hunters :laughing:

Like 4LOM, IG-88,Zuckuss, Bossk and BL-17 (Fett's old homie)


More droids.


Plo Koon.


Sand people race.


Imagine calling in the death star as your airstrike. :boushh:

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