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In EF we did indeed use two .exe files because BOTH SP and MP had loads of stuff the other didn't need, including different menu systems (courtesy of Bob Love the Menu King). I can't comment now on what JK2 will use, I am too busy drinking scotch... :p

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*sigh* ya know posting on a forum is like Brian (from Life of Brian) trying to preach to the masses- no matter what he said, they heard what they wanted -"Follow the shoe!" "No, follow the gourd!" Maybe I should go into politics, the spin there is just as bad and I seem used to it now.


"can't comment" means just that- no more and no less. I know you hate that, I hate that, my mother hates that, but that's the way it is. :p

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by MRJ

*sigh* ya know posting on a forum is like Brian (from Life of Brian) trying to preach to the masses- no matter what he said, they heard what they wanted


Hey, don't you go feeling sorry for yourself, just be glad you're not working at 3DR as it would be ten times worse. ;)

Seriously though, people will always want to interpret developer's comments in a certain manner to make it conform to the way they think the game should be done.

It's wishful thinking in a sense, call it 'coloured interpretation' if you will.


As for the "dual exes" issue, I am in favour of such an approach because it allows me to finetune my settings according to the differing nature of the single- and multplayer games.

In the SP mode I want to turn up the available graphics and sound options as far as possible to allow for the optimum of immersion, while on the other hand visual and aural representation take a back seat in MP where (maximum) framerate is life to a certain extent.

It rarely happens that I want to switch from SP to MP and vice versa and even if I *do* feel so inclined, it should only take a short moment to exit the game and activate the alternative executable.

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I am strongly for reloading. It just ads depth and stops mindless shooting.


In Elite Force people just ran around pointing and shooting. The only strategy was that the better weapon wins. If you just run around into line of fire (and everybody did that) then you just die and you respawn and repeat again. That was preety much it and that is the reason that I only played multiplayer for one week.


Now try running into a line of fire with guns blazin in Counter Strike. You will be nailed 10 times before you even hit the ground. Why ? Because people use strategy. They know that they need to fire in controlled bursts and thus conserving ammo and hiding behind crates and finding other cover. Its more realistic - not because the weapons are realistic - but because that's what you would have done in real life. Take cover, fire controlled bursts - not run around like a meniac.....



My $00.02

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thanks for agreeing with me, morpheus... i am truly FOR reloading and i hope that RAVEN can see that it really is something good!


i think it will add so much depth to OUTCAST. mindless shooting is really annoying, and its true, whoever would have the strongest weapon would win hands down, no questions asked, without any strategy whatsoever... thats what JEDI KNIGHT gunning was all about (stupid concussion rifles) i mean sure, i guess you could say some skill was invloved, but when you look at it, that little amount of skill couldn't fill one of those "peter pan kiss" things (sorry i forget what the hell those are called). with reloading, i think that weapons also become balanced, which is something that everyone definately wants! no more "ooh ill win if i get to the concussion rifle first" type of stuff, you know!?


reloading would not only add depth to multiplayer scenarios, but single player scenarios as well! the AI would function a lot more efficiently i believe if they didn't just see you and shoot... they'd conserve their ammo and use it more efficiently against you, and maybe also try to use their surroundings to their advantage reloading would really change the way that they attack, and i think that you can't go wrong with that!


please don't think i keep wanting aspects of COUNTER-STRIKE implemented into OUTCAST because you think i am just another schmuck obsessed with CS... the fact is that im not, i just see it as the best game out there that balances FPS with actual strategy and tactics with a great result: an addicting game that is VERY enjoyable... its not just another run of the mill shoot em up that you get over very quickly. games where you run around shooting mindlessly tend to get very boring quickly, even in multiplayer. and thats what i want OUTCAST to be: i want to keep playing this game for a long time.

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Well, as nice as it would be, it's not going to really hurt your gameplay. Think about it... the BlasTech E-11 holds 100 rounds, making reloading very rare. But think about it... The gameplay modes will be something like this (I would guess):



-Team DeathMatch

-Capture the Flag

-Sabers DM

-Assault / King of the Hill or another game type?


You'll probably also be able to add force to each type, just like you can in JK. Since I haven't seen any really innovative game types other than saber combat (not innovative, but VERY rare), I'm guessing they are putting lots of balance into force powers, especially for the Saber DM.


Now think about it. Every mode I brought up is DM based, meaning the players respawn. Think about games with reloads... Rainbow Six series / Ghost Recon..those are slow paced games where there's a lot of camping and reloading needs to be in there. Now RtCW, where there are reloads, is a cross between DM and Rainbow Six squad based gameplay, and the reloads are automatic and very fast, and hardly affect gameplay.


Bottom line: Reloads should be like in RtCW if at all. Fast, automatic, done before you know it. Something that won't interupt the gameplay but makes it more true to the Star Wars Universe.





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