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Rhett's Semi-Useless Trivia of the Day!

Boba Rhett

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Yes, it's time again for another great round of RSUTD!



Why the hell did the country "Turkey" name themselves after a bird? That fact of the matter is, they didn't! The turkey was named well after the naming of the country. Turkey, the country, was named after the Turks and then some European dude came along and was allowed to name the new-world species now known as the turkey for some reason. :rolleyes:


The Aztecs, who kept domesticated turkeys for hundreds of years before the Europeans arrived, had a perfectly good word for the bird in their language: xuehxolotl. Which, of course, is pronounced................I uhhh......I don't know how it was pronounced but more to the point. Can you imagine sitting down at Thanksgiving and having a xuehxolotl with all the trimmings?

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Semi-useless? Rhet what are you talking about? That has to be the most earth shattering piece of information I"ve ever read! The implications are too much for anyone to comprehend!!!! Its a conspiracy and the world needs to know the truth!!! The turkeys are behind everything!!!!!!!



Ok I'm done now. :)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

oh brother....Boba Rhett is out brainwashing... SlashandBurn is a weak minded fool.;) I will counter his influence by errrrr....I dont think I could counter that:D :p

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