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Should BLIZZARD have made this game?... /sigh


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Unlike what seems to be the masses that favor the Age of Empires engine, I often wish that Blizzard would have made this game. Being a major fan of Starcraft I anticipitated a StarWars based game where you didnt have to wail on something for 5 minutes to kill a single unit, which is supported by AOE and SWGB. I actually saw Age of Empires long before I ever laid eyes upon Starcraft and loved the gameplay and graphics but as soon as I played Starcraft I dropped it and became a Starcraft addict. I love this game none the less, and I really favor the idea of a Star Wars strategy game but I just wish it was made by Blizzard. Of course they have had some bad titles in the past(Diablo II imo) but they know how to make a successful strategy game in which the gameplay is more appealing to ME. Oh well just thought I'd see what you guys had to say about my opinion. Please share some ideas of what you might think would make the gameplay better instead of creation of new races/units.



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I also have not played Starcraft, but I have no complaints at all about Galactic Battlegrounds. The goal of this game is to produce a Star Wars version of one of the most popular game engines of all time. The idea was not to just completely make up a totally new game from scratch.


LucasArts of course could have made up a totally new RTS game that works nothing like AoK (and have made up lots and lots of games completely from scratch in the past), but that was not the goal of this project.


I for one have gotten sick and tired of buying RTS games that *sound* like they are AoE-like (Age of Wonders, ST: Armada, etc) only to find that they ultimately are so different that there is no comparison -- and often, so poorly done that I uninstall them within a week of purchase. So when I read on the back of the GB box that it was based on the AoE engine, my only concern was whether they might have deviated *too far* from the way AoE/K worked.


In my opinion, they did it just right. There are enough differences (air power, shields, sound effects, music, artwork) to make the game new, exciting, different, and worth playing for hours and hours, but similar enough that I didn't need to spend hours with the instruction manual just trying to figure out how the heck to get my units to do what I want them to do.


Could they add some tweaks on it in the future that might make it even more fun, like a few more civilzations? Sure. But does the game lack at all without those tweaks? Nope. It's fine as is.


It's the perfect mix, to my mind. AoK with Star Wars. Doesn't get any better than that.


May the Force be with you.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I do sometimes wish that Blizzard did made it because I am a huge fan of StarCraft(the zergs still scares me :) ) I am fine with the engine that they made it is a loads of fun to walk around with ATAT blasting away at anything funny :D

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I'll admit I'm not a huge RTS fan, though I have played a few (StarCraft, AoE, Kohan, Warcraft), none all that in depth (except StarCraft which lasted longest on my computer - about 2 months). Personally, I really don't see that huge of a difference between any RTS games. They all revolve around having worker units collect 3-4 different resources, building buildings and building troops. The only things that really ever change are the names, statistics of building/units, graphics and music. The actualy concept and flow of all the dozens of RTS games out there really doesn't differ that greatly in my opinion. That's why there are so many of them out there. The formula for creating a RTS game doesn't have that much variation in it. The "engines" have different names, but there is virtually 0 learning curve between games, especially if you take 5 minutes and remap hotkeys.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trashing on RTS games, they've held a large portion of the game market. I just really don't see much difference between any of them other than cosmetic. To me, that's why LucasArts didn't spend a ton of time making a new "engine". They knew all they had to do was change some graphics and sound effects and ya got a game that will sell - it was enough to get me to get the game.


Am I missing something?

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Well sure you can take any genre of game and reduce it to it's most basic components and then call all the games in that genre the same. In all FPS's you go around killing people in a 3d enviroment. In all role-playing games you go about the wilderness and dungeons killing fantastic creatures with the occasional stop at a town. In every adventure game you go around collecting objects to solve puzzles.


I for one have played StarCraft, but I have never really warmed to it. I admit it is a well designed game, and I can see why people like it. It just doesn't appeal to me for some reason. Everything just "feels" wrong to me. I play AOK/GB and everything just clicks. And I never could get over the fact that I couldn't select as many units as I wanted;)


To me AOK/GB just has more depth to it and I find it much more interesting. On the other hand if you're more action oriented and want a simpler resource system, then Starcraft would most likely be your choice. And if you wanted something really simple, a bare bones RTS, then the C&C series might suit you even better.


And that is just mentioning the major RTS franchises;)


Let's not forget one of the most awesome RTS games of all time: Total Annihalation. It's gameplay is totally different from all the games listed above. There's so many units, and for awhile new units were added to the game forcing everyone to rethink their strategy.


Then there is the MechCommander and Sudden Strike series, which didn't have you building bases at all, instead you had to make do with what you started with, but they were still considered RTS games.


So no, I wouldn't consider all RTS games the same. Not any more than I would any other genre of game.

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I think the Red Alert 2 engine would work perfically with the Star Wars atmosphere. RA 2 and YR has an unlimited amount of units to build, which makes it easy to build 200+ units in no time. But then again,AOE IS the best game so, it's kinda even between the two...but then again...*head explodes*:explode: :explode: :explode:

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I've never played Starcraft, but i'm an avid RA2 fan. I alos wish that Westwood had made this game. They have TONS of experience with RTS's. In fact, they practically invented modern RTS's with DUNE and C&C. they would have done a superb job with the game if given the chance, and the YR engine would be perfect, as things are naturally ranged and more futuristic than AOK, which was set couple million years before SW ;). Alos, the resource system would fit better, as there is only one, and that wouldn't include food or berry bushes or trees. that kinda stuff is worthless in SW, but its in GB.

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Well everyone has their favorite RTS engine I guess;) Let's just be glad we got a game like this at all after Force Commander;)


How many people play RA2? I know Tiberium Sun didn't do too well, but I kinda gave up on Westwood after that and haven't kept track. Just kinda curious how it did with the MP community.


It's a shame they didn't make it more a part of the C&C universe. The single player game would have been cool if it had served as a connection between Red Alert and the original C&C. There was so many possibilities. They could have shown the original appearance of Tiberium, The rise of Nod, and the formation of GDI. If I was in charge I would have said the Soviets won the original Red Alert, and then shown that GDI was created to resist future Soviet expansion. Then Nod rises up from within the Soviet Empire and starts taking over (this would show why so many parts of eastern Europe were under Nod control. That would have given three or four faction for the game. Soviets, Nod, GDI, and possibly the Allies (what's left of them).


And I would have worked out how Einsteins time machine worked into things. Instead they gave us some lame plot where the bad guys lost the last game but they're back for more (yippe!).


Oh well....

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StarCraft was a great game. though I do prefer the AOK style of play. SC was a bit to fast passed for me. (Or was the fact that I sucked?)



What SC had was a great story line and the fact that the races indeed played differently. Not only do they look different but they pay differently. Something I wished SWGB had more of. Unlike AOK SWBG does have different arts for each civ. And they do play very similar until the reach the final tech level. There is where the difference lies. Nice step but was hoping for more. It's interesting before now everyone said they are all alike. now they say the "Trade federation is too strong" Or "the naboo Suck" The diversities are there but can be imroved on in the x-pack (I HOPe!!!!!)



Gotta go!

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I played Starcraft for 18 months mostly on Battle net.

The biggest problem with the game was an unbalence

with the civ's if you got into a long game basically,

if you did not play Terran by mid game you struggled

my fave's were the Zerg but you had to kill the Terran's

early game or you were nackerd it was a good game,

in it's day but not as good as SW/GB IMHO. ;)

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I only KnoW That StaRCrafT is The BesT RTS ever made.

I being playing SC for about 6 months.

Is T BesT.

I thing that Terran´s are the most balanced (at least in Brood War) in air and ground power.

For me they are the best "¿civ?".

I love Zerg too, but protoss are not so good.

Well, theyr units are the most powerful but too expensives and easy to kill whit good strategys.

TanK´s and Valkyrias. THE BEST!!!

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Guest crd_polaris

Starcarft was and still is one of my favorite games. I've had the game for many years now.


BUT!!! Blizzard dissapointed me year after year because they down right refused to make Starcraft 2. I lost intrest in there company. The only rts I really hate is Warcraft, and thats all they seem to make. One stupid Warcraft game after the next. It's sad because Blizzard has alot of talent.

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For me, GB is a traditional RTS game. I played Starcraft but it's a little different from all RTS games. Starcraft is action oriented RTS game. Only destroy all enemy units and buildings. That's all.


One thing I wish for GB, it takes long time to destroy enemy.

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