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In The land of cyber space there was a little site called EscapeMi Forums. It was a place where teens could go and talk to ther peope in the world. It was a nice and comfortable place with shades of peech as backroud.Unhappy things were about in the forums. Thinngs that were dreaful. An evil person calle Zeeth arosed. At first he was an average newbie but things changed and fast.


Zeeth hacked himself into becoming a moderator and started banning all of those who wouldn't follow him. On one fateuful night Zeeth declared himself king of the Emi Forums. Dark days it was.


The forumers got scared and left. Then Murta, a nice lad, teemed up with his friend Fender and they started the rebelling against Zeeth. At first people were afraid to come back on but Murta and fender got supporter eventually.


With both sides growing so ever stornger. EscapeMI Forums couldn't handle the battle anymore so they gave up their forum to Lucas Arts. There on a new battle field Murta and Fender were able to bann and destroy Zeeth and his followers.



(I beet u all!!!)




(fine i stink)

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Once upon a time in a land called cyberspace there was a community called "Escapemi Forums" it was a little community in a larger community called "Lucas Arts Forums" In this land, there were a bunch of people named (insert mass number of names) who were all really good friends blah blah blah blah. There was also a big wanker, but he left coz he thought he was better than everyone else. Dunno how that could be considering he gets drunk almost every night, and on weekends dresses up in female clothes and calls himself Mandy- but well, what do you expect? Some people obviously have no brains. The biggest bytch on the forums was Natty- most people considered her a bytch, but she obviously didn't care. She luvs life and isn't about to change for pathetic guys who dress in female clothes on weekends and calls himself Mandy. :D


The little community also had it's fair share of jokers, and they included NiKo- he lives nextdoor to the devil, NiKo never seems phased by it, but he doesn't mind, I assume the blue hair of NiKo and the red hair of the devil match :p


Everyone likes the leaders of the community, espcially Murta, Grannen and Brief, always with the witty comments, are always around when people need help or cheering up.



(Ummmmmm can someone take over? I'm running out of ideas for a story- help :D)

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