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Hello I am the BESTEST!!!

Lord Fergie

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Guest Boba Rhett

Be nice Luke.


<Extreme Sarcasm> I'm sorry we all can't be as mature as you are, your majesty. *bows* </Extreme Sarcasm>


;) j/k Luke


From now on, DarthFergie and Lord Fergie shall be known as, "The fergie Twins" :D


What say you, DF and LF? ;)

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Welcome! It's always nice to see that the brother of one of the best forummers here has joined our growing community!


Watch the mods, they bite if you're not nice to them :D


Rowr. ;)

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Actually we arn't twins...several years apart...

btw, Luke he has had straight A+ since he was in kindergarden...Valevictoria of his class...He reads about half as much as I do though (which is still amazing because I am always reading ever since the age of 6 when I read my first SW book, Heir to the Empire)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by darthfergie

Actually we arn't twins...several years apart...

btw, Luke he has had straight A+ since he was in kindergarden...Valevictoria of his class


How old is he? If he's only 13 then he couldn't have been Valadictorian since he hasn't graduated from High School yet :p


Oh, and if you can't make straight A's in kindergarden then...well...lets not go there :D

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