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A angry Frenchman !


Since the 12/05 the total number of players from the ZONE.COM are divided in two parts

At the moment it's very difficult to organise meetings between the players because of the incompatible versions of SWGB.

Is it possible that you give your best so the patch v1.1 can be accesible ASAP fo evrybody.





link : http://www.star-wars-battlegrounds.fr.fm

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You sold us a French version beginning of November and we are now unable to play mlutiplayer games because your patch is not compatible with the English version !!!! We don t want to wait !!!


You have to provide us with this patch as soon as possible !!


Or you will disappoint all French customers who will buy e;pire Earth instead of SWGB for Christmas because of U !!!


How could it be possible that even you own distributor in France, Ubisoft is not aware about a possible date of release of this patch ???


This story is making a lot of noise around here in france so you should honestly speed up the process or ....


We want a patch, we want a date of release... NOW !!!


An angry french Revolutionary customer



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I risk being looked upon as offensive saying this, but why can't you just learn English?! Hell, both people from France and South America are known for being unable to speak good English.


I honestly do not see why they don't teach English in France (which they obviously don't -if they finally have, then great, keep it up). It's hard to learn? Maybe, but if you start learning it while you're little, you'll have it by the time you reach middle school. I want to set Scandinavia as an example. At the Norse schools, the students learn English and Norwegian/Danish/Swedish (depending on country) at the same time. In middle school, the students can choose between learning French, Germna, or to take a "language aid" class in English or Scandinavian. Result? When I graduated from middle school, I spoke two languages and was learning German. Another example: My little brother has a friend from France (9), who speaks English, French, and Norwegian. When a 9-year old can speak those languages (and it's more than "knowing just a few words", he speaks the languages), anyone in France should be able to learn two.


Then people would not have to make "versions" of games for other languages, and thus, you would not need a different patch. How about that?

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I fully support you. We need a patch for the international versions of this game!!


BTW, dear Dagobahn Eagle, I think that you are some kind of ignorant concerning the multicultural world. Of course, most people speak english a little bit, although its not their native language.


But beeing a German, I PREFER playing a game in my native language, especially strategy games and adventures. I could also play this game in English, but it makes more fun to read and hear my native language in these games. There's only one exception: 3D-Shooter. I always buy the original english version of that type of game, since the german version is censored. But that's another story.


Thus, please think before writing and be more polite to us "non-English-speakers"!! :mad:

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My dear Dagobahn eagle,

I would be really curious to see if u're able to speak a good french because this is very easy to criticize us. Actually our educationnal system is not the same than the others and we don't have to speak english at school like in India or etc..We are more concentrated on the other stuff like math or physics and that's why I have often constated that our level (at the same age)in science was greater than yours. I'm sure of that cuz I'm studying here now! and anyway this is not the off-topic section SO u can fly away to the section off-topic eagle.


Et donnez un patch a mes potes de France svp j'aimerai bien jouer avec eux sur le net merci! Et tous ceux qui sont francophones et qui lisent ce message envoyez moi un private message avec votre nick que vous utilisé sur la zone que je puisse vous reconnaitre une fois la bas thx!

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Originally posted by Franky



I fully support you. We need a patch for the international versions of this game!!




But beeing a German, I PREFER playing a game in my native language, especially strategy games and adventures. I could also play this game in English, but it makes more fun to read and hear my native language in these games. There's only one exception: 3D-Shooter. I always buy the original english version of that type of game, since the german version is censored. But that's another story.



It seems to me that whatever language the end-user sees ought to be more-or-less irrelevent. Computers, on the basic level, see things in binary (1's and 0's), which is language-less. As such, I'd imagine that the underlying code of Galactic Battlegrounds is the same no matter what country you are in. Therefore, a "french" patch ought to be darn simple for them to produce, and almost identical to any "English" patch.


If that's not true, then either LucasArts, or Microsoft, or whoever has seen to it that it is not true, deserves fifty lashes with a wet noodle.


That said, the patch did just recently come out, and you do have to give them a few weeks to come up with multilingual things like readme files and whatnot. If they still haven't come out with French and German versions in a month, that's one thing. But a week or two, I do not consider "beyond the pale."

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Guest Commander Cold

The entire world should not be forced to learn a language because people like Dagobahn Eagle find it more "convinent" (I know I spelled it wrong, what are you going to do about it?). Maybe Americans should learn some foreign language instead. The thing I don't get is, if there is no official language of the United States why do public schools teach lessons in English instead of some other language? I'm guessing most of you are going to answer that the Thirteen Colonies were found by England.


That's my cent and a half.

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:c3po: yes, i agree, Lucas should release a international patch for each language...


I am a Taiwanese, who use CHinese....SWGB is the first SW game in Chinese(AOK's engine is easy to translate into Chinese, francais...etc.). Though i am well enough in English to play almost every PC + SW game(like Rebellion, Jedi knight, X-wing Alliance), it is still better to play it in our own mother language.


That's not that "we" should learn English, but we need "English" version or a patch....I can only buy Chinese version here, and i didn't have patch! Now others in my clan (YH) are already Captain while i am still pointless....."TIME DIFFERENT" plus "PATCH DIFFERENT" makes every hard to play with them....


So please, Dear Uncle George, just give us some hope.....

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for :bdroid1: sake

people mr. lucas speaks english and so it's only natural that his fourms and games speak the same langue ok


lets all agree on english ok it's work good so far and we could sit here for years debating about wheater we should speak german dutch or wtfw lets just let this spam rest and get to the point


YES the french should have a patch

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