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SNIPER RIFLE? plus, other useless banter


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Has there been word whether the sniping capabilities is going to be on the bryer or the st rifle? Seems kinda silly to me to have a pistol that can zoom and shoot with deadly accuracy... so st rifle seems more proper, but then it seems like people are saying the scope is on the bryer pistol. :(

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StephenG; Strider; You're right.

Two posts ago this is what you said.

That it'd be cool. That'd be good, really.

Two people say it's lame, so you change your mind. Please have a good mind to back up your convictions.:)

On top of that in a weird way you made a blatent attemt to pin something on me.

By the way, SlowbieOne was the one who posted about Star Trek TC.

LOL, come on, what are you? 5, maybe 6 years old?:) If you are referring to my post about all the weapons having a zoom, I mentioned it, I didn't say I liked it... :tsk:

What exactly is Star Trek TC anyway?

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splash damage weapons just annoy me... im more down with weapons that take real aim to use. it just bothers me

Ahh ur right but if u have a 56k modem (liek me) it's incredibly hard to aim with out splash damage... have u ever tried sniper rifle in ut in mp???? it's almost impossible. Also Jk net-code sucked in some palces BUT it had one advantage.. isntead of pissing the people of by making them die for no reason when the toher person thoguht they shot in jk u had to hit the person where the person really was rather than were u thoguht it was. it's jsut so hard to use other type of guns in mp unless they are mellee or a rifle liek the repeater.. a bit of splash damage aint that bad.

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Originally posted by Uber_Saber

Maybe they'll make it like Star Trek Elite Force and let you zoom in with any weapon.


well im going to take the side of "NO ON THE ZOOMAGE WITH EVERY WEAPON" just because, like someone said earlier, that would just take the whole "sniping expirience" away somewhat... in QUAKE 3 you could zoom in with every weapon, and i mean it was cool and everything, but it wasn't REAL sniping. besides that though, i think that everything in QUAKE 3 was too fast paced and hectic to really make sniping possible. with that said, and the fact that OUTCAST is built on the QUAKE 3 engine, that can be the explanation for the "sniping with the bryar pistol" bit. i really hope thats not the case, because being able to snipe with pretty much any weapon, again, takes away from the "sniping expiriece", especially if you look at it with single player mode in mind, because you can pretty much snipe anyone from the get-go and seeing as you can use any one of the weapons to do so, you can pretty much just snipe almost any enemy in the game because you won't really run out of ammo... and that will just take a lot of the fun away!


i don't know, but if you look at the both the stormtrooper rifle AND the bowcaster in the screenshots that have been released, it looks like there are scopes on both of them...

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Another thing to mention is that JK 2 will have locational damage. Therefore sniping will be more efficent because if you get a head shot, you will probably kill them instantly. That give another advantage to the sniper rifle, since headshots tend to not work well with machine guns and the sort.



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if there is a concussion rifle featured in Jedi Outcast, then it will certainly be sporting less splash damage... not as much splash damage will be needed seeing how lag won't be a major problem like it is in JK..


im thinking the that bowcastor with splash damage is going to take over the role of the concussion rifle..

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Why not just make a straight-up sniper weapon. After all, if you stick a scope on just anything you can't expect it to be a sniper rifle. Sniping weapons must be precise, accurate, high-powered, and long-ranged. Let's face it, a pistol with a scope isn't gonna cut it, not even a blaster with one is.


Personally, i'd like to see a Xerrol Nightstinger weapons. It was used in the Hand of Thrawn Duology. It wasn't widely used (in fact, there were only 5 ever made), but stuff like that can be slightly bent for the sake of a game. The weapon itself fires a high-powered invisible (yes, invisible) shot. It only heldd 5 rounds at a time, so that could be a disadvantage in the game, you'd have to reload after 5 shots. The advantage would be that it had 1 hit kills, long range accuracy, and the enemy couldn't tell where you were when you fired. Another disadvantage might be that it is hard to find ammo for.

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From The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology:



Among the most controversial and reviled hand weapons in the galaxy, disruptors are energy weapons whose blasts are so powerful that they break down objects at the molecular level, leaving only a smoking pile of ash.

These small handheld pistols can disintegrate a one-meter by one-meter durasteel plate up to half a meter thick, or penetrate force fields, personal battle armor, and vehicle and starship hull plating--they are virtually unstoppable. Against living targets these weapons almost always cause instantaneous death, and even a glancing blast causes horribly painful injuries that must be treated immediately in order to prevent irreparable nerve damage.

Most disruptors utilize brute force rather than technological innovations to produce their lethal blasts. The oversized XCiter and the actuating blaster module process a much greater volume of blaster gas, while the barrel's series of galven cylinders tightly focuses the beam, concentrating the blast's high-energy particles. However, because of their crude design, disruptors tend to have short ranges and limited ammunition capacity: the DX-2 pistol has an optimum range of five meters and a maximum range of seven meters and drains a standard power pack after only five shots. The DXR-6 rifle delivers even more destructive power over its optimum range of ten meters (its maximum range is twenty meters), but it too drains its paired power packs after only five shots. Most disruptors require an extended recycle time of five seconds or more to cool the weapons internal components and gather an adequate charge for an additional shot.

The Merr-Sonn MSD-32 pistol, the most advanced disruptor in production, circumvents many of these limitations by using a rapid-pulse energy module. The pistol creates a series of energy pulses, delivering tremendous firepower while reducing the recycle time to three seconds and extending the power pack's ammunition capacity to ten shots.

While disruptors are militarily impractical because of their limited range and ammunition, many assassins, slavers, and bounty hunters enjoy the notoriety and infamy that come with toting these weapons. The Tiss'shar assassin Uul-Rha-Shan used a miniaturized disruptor pistol against Han Solo, although its long recharge time allowed Solo to gun him down in a shoot-out at the Star's End prison facility.

Disruptors are banned on most New Republic worlds; on some planets mere possession is grounds for the death penalty. Even under the Empire only a very small number of Imperial officials--Imperial Security Bureau interrogators and inquisitors--were allowed to carry these inhumane weapons. During the rule of the Empire some weapons manufaturers were authorized to produce these weapons in limited quantities, although most companies ceased production under New Republic law.

However, the Tenloss Syndicate and many other criminal organizations maintain back-alley labs to build disruptors and reap tremendous profits from black market sales.



Flechette Launcher:

Flechette launchers are tube weapons that shoot canisters and small missiles designed to explode close to their targets, releasing hundreds of razor-sharp flechettes at high velocity. These weapons allow a single soldier to deliver devastating firepower against troops and small vehicles.

The Malaxan Firepower FWG-5 flechette pistol is a typical handheld flechette launcher. With an optimum range of fifty meters, a maximum range of one hundred meters, and stopping power equal to that of a heavy blaster pistol, the small pistol offers a viable alternative to a blaster. The FWG-5's miniature laser tracking system "paints" the target with an electronic homing signature, enabling the flechette cartridge to follow the target's movements while in flight. Once the cartridge is within three meters of the target, it explodes, releasing dozens of tiny flechette darts powerful enough to puncture blast vests, ceramic armor, and even the plasteel armor plate worn by stormtroopers. Since the cloud of flechettes speads over a two-meter-diameter area, even a "near miss" can severely injure the target. The FWG-5's ammunition clip holds eight flechette cartridges. The Golan Arms FC1 is a traditional shoulder-braced flechette weapon widely used by the Corporate Sector Authority's security police squads During one of his many smuggling adventures, Han Solo used one of these launchers to force back attacking slavers while escaping from the hijacked luxury cruiser Lady of Mindor.

The FC1 has an optimum range of 100 meters, a maximum range of 250, and can fire both antipersonnel and antivehicle canisters. Through the scope's range finder, the user must manually program each canister's detonation range, targeting for a detonation point ten meters in front of the target to achieve maximum flechette dispersal. In emergencies the launcher can be fired without setting the detonation range--the canister explodes on impact--but this mode drastically reduces the effectiveness of the flechettes.

The FC1 holds four canister tubes, each with a single canister, and has a reserve chamber for two additional canisters. Lightly tapping the firing stud selects the tube that is fired, allowing the soldier to carry several canister types and fire the specific type needed as different combat situations arise.

The standard antipersonnel canister is a small globe that releases hundreds of flechettes over a ten-meter-diameter area. A well-placed shot can eliminate an entire squad of enemy troops. Antivehicle rounds consist of eleven-entimeter-long missiles; their razored flechettes are considerably larger than those of the antipersonnel canister, and the missile's shaped charge focuses the flechettes over a concentrated area no more than five meters in diameter. A cloud of antivehicle flechettes can rip through ten centimeters of durasteel armor plating, destroying snowspeeders and other lightly armored repulsorcraft. Once through the armor, multiple flechette strikes can cause catastrophic damage, destroying internal electronic components and flight systems, scrapping power generators and laser cannons, and causing serious injury to any crew members.

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Seems like the Disruptor will be quite powerful.


Also it seems that there is more than one type of a Disruptor, which means we don't know if it's a small or big gun.


Flachette Launcher seems a lot different than what I imagined. From that description it's nowhere near what I thought was gonna be the Repeater's replacement.


Anyone have any pictures of these things?

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For some reason the pictures wouldn't post so here are the links to them. 2 different views of disruptor pistols...






As you can see, they are quite small. Also, I don't know if any of you play this game, but the wording of the card if you were playing the game would lead me to believe that the person who it was shot at was disintigrated...exploded...something of that nature. That is basically what Executor32 said in his long post, though. It seems to me that in JK2 this will be a very powerful weapon that will only be able to shoot a few times before needing time to cool down/reload. I think I read somewhere that a disruptor pistol has 6 shots per clip.

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Originally posted by WinterJedi

In the previews it is said that it's a Disruptor -rifle-. It might just be something that LEC has come up with and not be -anything- like the things we're discussing now. :p


Ahem, I beg to differ:


The DXR-6 rifle delivers even more destructive power over its optimum range of ten meters (its maximum range is twenty meters), but it too drains its paired power packs after only five shots.


Oh, and here are some pics from the EGWT:



Flame Projectors

Flechette Weapons

PLX-2M Missile Tube

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