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LOTR vs SW...its wrong

Guest Khameir_Sarin

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jesseg I just lost alot of respect for you.....


I like SW and LOTR (to answer the origanal question)

I also like HP.....while the marketing may be aimed at 4 year olds, the books are quite good.......LOTR blows them out of the water, but you can only read a Trilogy a certain amount of times :D


And to fergie, LOTR does have quite an extended history......I have only read Sillmarillions (which is an pretty poor book by its self, but is really interesting to see where all the charecters come from....). But if you look there out there ;)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

There are so many books about the rings. Alot of them are only half done and finished by another author and there is even recent talk of a lost book that Tolkein wrote an gave to someone to hide.

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by Khameir_Sarin

I was just wondering, for i am a fan of both Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, if anyine else here likes BOTH of them. Or do all SW fans hate LOTR and LOTR fans hate SW?!

I think Star Wars is great science fiction

I think LOTR is great fantasy

-And if youve never read LOTR, but still hate it, you SUCK! Thats just as wrong as a LOTR fan who has never watched star wars!


Where did you get this idea? All the SW fans I know who have read LoRT have loved both. Me included. I can't wait for the movie.

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The "other author" Luke was talking about is Christepher Tolkien fyi. :)


And the reason there is so much uncompleted stuff is because Tolkien origanaly tried to make a history of the rings......but this was taking way to long, and people wanted another book.....So he went to work on the LOTR and then came back to the history......unfortunitly alot of this was lost in foot notes and loose pieces of paper.........


And Luke, how does HP mock LOTR?

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Guest Khameir_Sarin

WOW WOW WOW!!!! At few of the other SW sites ive been to alot of people seemed to hate LOTR..but most of you love it... YOU PEOPLE ARE THE BEST!! YOU ALL ROCK!! GO YOU!!!!! YAY!!!!:D :D :D:laughing: This is now my favorite forum!!! The only thing i dont like is Boba Rhett's VERY ANNOYING OBNOXIOUS COCKY avator. (No offense to you Boba Rhett, but your avator IS kinda cocky)Although is is also funny..but cocky.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Jeeez, why is everyone on my case tonight? You think it's, "VERY ANNOYING, OBNOXIOUS, COCKY" now? What until I get done with it! :p


My avatar is ment to be funny. Hence the use of a stick to delete things and a grenade to move things..... :)

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Originally posted by EndSub

And to fergie, LOTR does have quite an extended history......I have only read Sillmarillions (which is an pretty poor book by its self, but is really interesting to see where all the charecters come from....). But if you look there out there ;)


Yeah I've read all of the Toilkien books...


BTW, Rhett you don't talk about your grenade much...but I here alot about the deleting stick...

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Guest Boba Rhett

Yeah..... it's weird. I use the grenade probably 20+ times more than the stick too. :eek: If my avatar is bothering people that much. I suppose I may change it..... even though I don't really want to. :(

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Read the hobit and LOTR then Defending Middle-earth - Tolkien: Myth and Modernity, it basically answers any question you still have about LOTR. Then read The Silmarillion.

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Guest Khameir_Sarin

Im sorry Boba Rhett. I didnt mean to be mean.. i think your avator IS funny..just kinda cocky. I have nothing against it. KEEP IT. I actually like it. Your actually cool, for a mod. (Sorry, but at most other forums i go to, the mods are very mean. Boba Rhett, your pretty cool though. But at this one site...For a Super Smash Bro Melee video game, the mods are crazy, mean and i hate them, so sorry if i seem against mods, im just used to mean ones.


Sorry again Boba Rhett, i was just kind of in a "hate all mods" mood since i just came back from the site w/ mean mods.


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Guest Lord Tirion

The Silmarillion is not supposed to be read like your everyday novel. It is more of a reference source, or an enclyopedia on Ancient Middle-Earth. Thats why in the back it has a section that lists every single character, place, object, or misc in alphabetical order that gives you a brief description of that entry. That book is useful if you want to read up on how Balrogs came to be, or who the first Dark Lord was and why did he become corrupted.

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Guest Admiral Odin

LoTR, got my heart pumping, which few books did. I couldn't put it down when Frodo was just beginging his Journey. I was very impressed.

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Guest Redwing
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

LOTR and HP are not even in the same boat nor should they even be compared. LOTR is serious Dark Fantasy where as HP is mostly for kids and is light sided.


I don't think you are gonna see people getting limbs lopped off in an HP movie. ;)


Oh, you'd be very surprised. (Obviously, you've never read Harry Potter. :p)

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Guest Redwing
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

I thnk they are supposed to be different but HP ends up coping LoTR a lot.


I doubt that was on purpose, but people I know who've read both tell me they're alike in several ways.

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