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SW vs ST, part 1


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Okay, I'd like ya'lls opinions on this.


Let's say there were only 2 big organizations in all the galaxies, Galactic Empire(Star Wars), and The Federation of Planets(Star Trek). Feelings became hostile between them, and war broke out. If they were the only two organizations (No Klingons, Rebels, etc.,), who do you think would win the war? This is the Federation from ST: TNG, by the way. All of the planets from Star Wars and Star Trek would be there, so both would have all their resources.

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UFP WOULD WIN!!!! The UPF could just beam soldiers down to an enemy base while the Empire would have to use transports that could get shot down. They could also shoot at and destroy the Death Star by changing the frequency instantaneously with each shot so the shields can't adapt. Turbolasers take several minutes to change frequencies. When the shields are disabled completely, the Enterprise could beam an antimatter bomb into the Death Star reactor.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Star Trek seems to be more advanced...Star Wars seems to be more mythical so Im going to have to go with Star Trek because they are much more advanced....

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Well in ST Lasers are a very primitive weapon.. I say the UFOP. Plus the UFOP's fighters are some Deus Ex Machina Creation, very unlike the Ties,but the Imps would have better ground troops.


Now how bout the DOMINION vs EMPIRE

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Guest Boba Rhett

Even though I find this whole thread incredibly sad :D, I must point out something.


Star Wars: Happens a long time ago.


Star Trek: Hasn't even happened yet! :p


So I bet the SW universe is alot more advanced by now. :D


That's all that I shall be adding to this crazyness.

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Forget all about that. That's not part of the question. Time has nothing to do with this. And you're a mod, Rhett. Don't flame people.

I think the Empire would win, because they have about 20 times as many ships and troops, and they also have hundreds of thousands of fighters.

But the Federation does have a lot better technology in some areas. It would be an interesting war.

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Oh good greif!!! Did no one go to the site I talked about??? Man!!! It points out that SW is the dominant force in the universe!!!


BTW, you have to have your shields down to beam aboard.


Also Turbolasers are 100s of times more powerful than phasers!!! And I'm talking about LIGHT turbolasers!!! Go to the site I posted...it tells ALL!!!

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The Empire is a more military faction. While the federation of planets is more about 'seek out new life and new civilizations'


Face it ... even the Enterprise won't stand against a Death Star, a Super Star Destroyer and a whole fleet of regular Star Destroyers.


They might get away alive ... but the empire will still be there.


And BTW ... the ability to beam to the surface is insignificant next to the powers of the Force.

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