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An honor-code ?


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Bad idea...


The game determines what can be done and what cannot be done. If i want to rush someone, why not ? It's a tactic that's in the game and i am gonna make use of it.



I remeber the 'Teutonic Town Rush' in AOE.. flooding the enemy with towncenters, many people were denied access to a game if they played 'Teutons' but in the end a patch was needed to prevent this strategy.


People then explored other 'weaknesses' of the game engine to be used against others like the flush . After all the game makes the rules and not the host...


That's what a strategy game is about, trying to find strategies that can be very usefull in destroying the enemy, how this can be done depends on the game engine and not the host.

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The thing is; people practicing on those 'weaknesses' in game-balance got an unrecoverable edge that really had nothing to do with the whole game-concept anymore. The not-so-frequent players were suddenly left out of the loop or constantly slaughtered. It DECREASED THE FUN for them. That's what it's all about.

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Then Lucasarts should release a patch that covers this 'weakness' in the engine. If a 'weakness' CANNOT be countered by any means this should be patched otherwise one can be prepared for this weakness.


Sooner or later you'll get in troubles with rules based on contracts made between players that cannot be controled by the game engine itself

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Guest Admiral Thrawn

Hey guess, rushing is ok! It's just that it is hard to kill, and makes the game last a very short amount of time is why most of us hate it including me. The best bet is to join a clan and constantly play with them. Then you know what they are going to do and you can counter it.

What would be really cool is that someone helped us by giving a tutoral on how to counter-rush and fight off his attack. In many games I have played with Age members, I have been rushed a heck a lot more than several times.

The best idea is to wall in and make a few anti air guys, but then many of us realize that a tower rush in SWGB is really effective because you can't take it down with 4 villages like AoC.


Have any ideas? Email me here. It will be added to my Strategy section, so feel free to include your name (alias) and email address.

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Guest Toothless-OMO

Here is my $.02 worth.


First, I do not have the demo so I will not play this game till it is out in the full version. Now for my thoughts on honor code.


1. Honor is the corner stone of having a good game. Playing fair is the basis of this for sure. No cheating for sure. Let me quote the OMO Web Site for a good rule of thumb.




What OMO is about:

We are a group of mature players that play for the enjoyment of the game. We make decisions by consensus and don't have a leader or ranks. Our purpose is to have fun, make friends and help make the online gaming community a fun place to be. To this end, we will provide a measure of civility to the online gaming community and promote good sportsmanship. We will not flame, cheat or use a mod without disclosing that we're using one. If you beat us in a ladder game, we will report.




2. About all the little rules you want to make. How in the world would you ever make sure every player knows every rule? I mean playing with someone that does not know rule number 32, transgresses what would happen? You blow up at the person and say you are cheating when all they were doing was playing the game! You label them as a rule breaker. Way to much to expect out of people for a game.


I think bottom line is to think about it this way.



"Play for Fun, Fight to Win, and do it with Honor."



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Guest dlayers

The tower rush is EASY to stop.


I was fooled by it one time, because I had never seen it before.


Put up about 2 sentry posts, build a couple troops (to kill his droid builders), and if by some reason you still didn't stop them before their built...build a few mounted troopers and take out the towers.


Instead of fearing it...learn to stop it.

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The problem with an honor code is A, not everyone will no about it and B not everyone will follow it.


Now I got no probs with saying no resigning or something, but no rushing? Rushing is a part of the game. You either learn to do it or you learn to stop it. There is no way are around it. In the end, if you wanna be good, you rush. Tower rushing is not cheap and I've learned that you never tower rush a good player. Why, because its not that hard to stop so any good player will fight it off and then hit you back. My advice, learn to do or counter what you fear, don't complain about it.

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hey what dont some of you guys understand? This honor system is for people of THIS community who wish to use it, no one is asking you guys to use the honor system but other players on the forum want to use it. So if you dont like dont use it and shuddap. Its been said before and I'll say it again, the game is about fun for everyone not just you people who exploit game weaknesses and then complain later people drop your game.

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by LordQuiGonJinn

i think you've complained people have droped early on when playing with you, if you werent so cheap maybe people wouldnt do that.



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Guest porkins14

Hey Qui Gon I got a better idea. Instead of calling it the "honor code", which automatically insinuates that those of us who dont use it play dishonorably, why dont you call it the "soft" code, ore the "*ussy" code. Because its for people who arent good enough to play at a certain level, and just want to complain about something every time they lose.


"he tower rushed waaaaaaaaaaa"

"He killed my villagers, waaaaaaaa"


Quit making excuses and think of better strategies, and until then don't insinuate that those of us who are good enough to use strategies that you cant are dishonorable. Thank you

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by LordQuiGonJinn

hey what dont some of you guys understand? This honor system is for people of THIS community who wish to use it, no one is asking you guys to use the honor system but other players on the forum want to use it. So if you dont like dont use it and shuddap. Its been said before and I'll say it again, the game is about fun for everyone not just you people who exploit game weaknesses and then complain later people drop your game.


You guys are doing everythng you can to take the word "strategy" out of the game.


Hey QuiGonn, when I play you I will be sure to ask permission everything i can do. Before i build airbase's I will ask you permission, Before I build fortresses I will ask your permission, when I see your air I definitely won't build Anti Air as that would in your words "exploit a game weakness". You need to quit crying

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Originally posted by porkins14

"he tower rushed waaaaaaaaaaa"

"He killed my villagers, waaaaaaaa"


You forgot what your told your mom last night when your father fixed the toilet. "He flushed my poo, WAAA!!"


You whine more than anyone else here, and a flamy little guy too. What would be good is for everyone to have some sort of 'honor' and it is declared in a game "no tower rush/no villager kills" or whatever that every player in the game respect that. Or else in a Starcraft-esque way have the other 3 players turn on that fool and tear him out of the game.


I can understand QuiGonn's point more than yours Porky, I for one hate wasting 45 minutes and not really playing a game because my first 2 people quit after 30 seconds, they get tower rushed so they quit, or they never make it into a game, or they use a firewall.. etc etc etc... In an ideal world, I could log on to the zone, and find a game with the parameters I want and play it right away.. as we all know that isn't the case. But if I read Quigonn correctly, maybe the people of this forum with like minds can agree on certain "Rules of Engagement" so when we meet on the Zone it is understood clearly, what kind of game is going to take place.


Further, when I first played SC online I got Zerg rushed almost everytime, then protoss rushed, finally i just played to watch good players play, and I found web sites tlaking about strategies and build orders.. it made the game fun.


There are defenses for tower rushes you just have to one step ahead. If he tower rushes he may be weak in his base, and everyone underestimates the importance of sentry towers.


That is all, good night.

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Guest porkins14
Originally posted by Dvlos


I can understand QuiGonn's point more than yours Porky, I for one hate wasting 45 minutes and not really playing a game because my first 2 people quit after 30 seconds, they get tower rushed so they quit, or they never make it into a game, or they use a firewall.. etc etc etc...


When did I ever say that it doesnt suck when people quit?? All i have commented on is tower rushing, and that it should be allowed. Read my posts more clearly in the future. OBVIOUSLY, I agree that quitters suck

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Guest dlayers
hey what dont some of you guys understand? This honor system is for people of THIS community who wish to use it, no one is asking you guys to use the honor system but other players on the forum want to use it.


We, if you haven't noticed, are members of THIS community.


If you guys want to be good players, then your going to have to know your enemy...and that means knowing his strategy and how to stop it.


I have no problems if you want to setup a game with these rules, but I don't think that it should be a galacticbattles.com-wide rule, nor a zone-wide rule.


The zone has a place for you to enter your preferred settings, use that for each individual game. That way if people don't like your rules they won't join your game and if they are looking for a game like you mentioned then they'll join up.

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