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Dark side lightning in gb?


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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Eets'chula

For some reason, you can create EITHER sith knights or sith masters. This could be because masters are more for converting units? Oh well, here's to hoping sith masters have lightning! :lightning


I'm fairly sure that Gaber said they did that so you could have cloacked and uncloaked jedi at the same time. However, only the naboo and rebels get cloaking now, so i don't know why they did it. Maybe they wanted you to be able to produce a cheaper knight or a more expensive master at the same time.

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Masters can convert pummels, artillery certain heavy mechs, and buildings... Only the Jedi ones can cloak though, however Empire Sith Masters can have a tech researched that automatically kills whatever they convert.


Also, they can research to convert other Jedi Knights.

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