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LOTR Midnight Show!

Boba Rhett

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Hmm... stuff from the movie, ok....


*There's probably spoilers in here*





The movie starts with a description of what’s happened to the ring through time. From the forging of it and the other rings to when Bilbo found it. In these first scenes some of the coolest battles happen. "It shows the amazing battle were the ring is cut off of Saurons’ hand! SWEET!"


It then goes to Gandalf going to Hobbiton blah blah blah you know the story. ;) The only complaint I have about the first part of the movie was that it goes a bit to fast. They made trip, "as far as they got anyway" seem like it didn't take very long and it feels likes it's jumping a bit. This also causes you to wonder why the fellowship begins to care so much for each other.


I only jumped one time during the movie and that was when Bilbo saw the ring again around Frodos’ neck and asks to see it. When Frodo started closing his shirt again so he couldn’t see it, Bilbo makes a little jump at him and you see him transform a little into kind of what Gollum looks like.


In the battle were Boromir is killed, he takes three HUGE arrows to the chest from the leader orc/goblin thingy. The leaders about to shoot another one into his face but Aragorn stops him and they get into a big fight were Aragorn cuts the leaders arm off....at least I think he did, and then stabs him in the chest and cut his head off. The coolest part of this scene was that when the leader new that he had been defeated, "When he got stabbed in the chest" He grabbed Aragorn and pulled him forward so his whole sword went through him and growled at him. :D


The movie ends with Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn letting Frodo and Sam go and setting off to save Pippin and Marry.


I am soooooo glad that I only have to wait a year for the next one.


Did any of you get popcorn and pop at the midnight show? They wouldn't open the stands for us! :(


Anyway, back on subject. Go see this movie. I don't care if you have to walk, crawl, bike, skydive, forgo the popcorn and pop, whatever. JUST DO IT.



Score: a very well deserved 10

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