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Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Well, technically anyone can put anything on their site, but there is an unspoken code of honor that forbids that. It's like you don't boast about your own work and don't review your own work.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The guy who made it has given it to my site mainly due to the competition but also to share with others. He hasn't posted it elsewhere and doesn't intend to. Although, someone has re-named it to 'Cloud City escape' which is the same.


Like with most Scenarios, they all seem to get upgraded as players get used to the Scenario editior and triggers.


It's a fun Scenario and I didn't have any lag problems playing it. The only lag from a Scenario I have had was 'Troopers Trap' but when you have 800 troops shooting at the same time, it's gonna happen!! That's also a fun scenario.




Lots of Scenarios @ http://www.galacticbattlegrounds.co.uk

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I don't understand why you're site is giving that scenario so much attention. The author released it only to your site and thats what makes it so "special"? The scenario is balanced terribly and it does lag alot and I don't see why its getting extra attention as if its going to be the winner of the contest or something. If it were to be reviewed at SWGB Heaven Games, it would only make about a 3.2 out of 5.0, which is good, but not great. I just don't understand why your making such a big deal about the scenario and leaving all other scenarios sorta in the dark.

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KOT wasn't that laggy on 8 players than 4 players for AoK because there is more people and more kills at a time so it slightly balances out in the end. Most of the additional lag came from the fact that you had more people, not that there was alot more units, but Green pings really helps that problem to a certian extent.

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