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Luke Skywalker TC


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As soon as JK2 was announced, me and a group of freinds decided that we would make a Luke Skywalker TC (not the official name of the TC). It is still not known whether or not JK2 will be editable. However the real question isn't whether or not it will be editable, but will distributing our work on the World Wide Web be allowed? All games are editable one way or another.


If editing is allowed, everyone is in for a big treat.:) If it's not allowed, sadly it will never make it any further than the group that makes it. One way or the other, we have vowed this TC will exist one day. It's a shame that a lot of TC's are abandoned. Finish what you start is what I always say. And finish we will.:)


A weird thing about the current Star Wars Total Conversion that seems to be abandoned if not, dying, is the levels. Same with the Star Wars Trilogy of games on the Super Nintendo. They have a bunch of levels that are basically made up situations that never happened in the movies just for the sake of "having" the location included. Follow me? This TC will be VERY accurate and true to the movies. So much in fact, you will feel like you are living the movie.:)


The purpose of this post is to get anyone interested on board with us. We are personally taking care of making the maps, but we need people who would like to contribute to cutscenes, and just people who are good with the Q3 engine in general.


NOTE:With that said unless you are curious, there is no need to read any further if you are not interested in joining us since what I have below explains the basic layout of our plans.


We have a site we have been working on but are reluctant to launch until editing is allowed in JK2(chances are better than not it will be), to avoid any confrontations.


Keep in mind this is basic and there are little details that are not mentioned.





Scrolling text from A New Hope



Scroll down to Star Destroyer chasing Corvette.

Recreation of the scene aboard the Tantive to set the story.

End with escape pod shooting to Tatooine.




Scene of Luke on Tatooine, acting as title screen as well. Fly by of Luke and the homestead.




Next day scene of Sandcrawler approaching. Enter Luke and the selling of the droids. Cleaning the droids and stumblimg upon R2D2's message. Luke staring at the twin suns of Tatooine.




Next morning, C3PO breaks the news to Luke of R2's disappearance. Landspeeder searching for R2. Luke ambushed by sandpeople, rescued by Obi-Wan.




Conversation in Kenobi's home




Trip to and overlooking Mos Eisley and getting past the troopers





This will not be a level where you fight anyone as opposed to selling your speeder, and setting up the deal for a ride to Alderaan. Very accurate recreation of Mos Eisley, cantina, and Docking Bay 94. End with scene of Falcon escaping.




SECOND LEVEL: Jedi Training on Falcon

Recreation of scene when Luke trains to be a Jedi on Falcon.

End with arrival of Aleraan, Tractor Beam puls Falcon into Death Star




Scanning crew scans Falcon, falls into trap, Rebel group makes their way into control room.




THIRD LEVEL: Death Star Rescue

Obi Wan is gone, u have to make a split decision. You devise a plan to have Chewie pose as a prison to go along with your donned Stormtrooper outfits. Fight breaks out in cell bay, end up in trash compactor, make way back to the Falcon for departure. End with Obi - Vader duel and Falcon fleeing.



No need for cutscenes for Yavin Battle since it would be too long and a bit irrelevant, but we have other ways to make the transition to the next episode....besides you guys know how it goes.:)



Scrolling Text From Empire Strikes Back



Scroll down to Probe Droids being launched .Enter Luke on Hoth scanning for life forms, when ambushed by a Wampa. Wakes up upside down, pulls saber, slices arm, collapses outside in cold , receives message from Obi-Wan to seek out Yoda. Faints.



The Hoth Battle would also be too time consuming and mostly irrelevant to the TC so we are contemplating other ways to make the transition.



Falcon and Luke split up and Luke heads for Dagobah, shaky landing. Meets Yoda




FOURTH LEVEL: Jedi Training on Dagobah

Including the failure at the cave - cutscenes scattered throughout...

End with Luke rushing to Bespin.




Luke entering Cloud City





Self explanitory, this level will follow the movie very close, but we will get to see exactly how Luke came to meet up with Darth Vader in the carbon chamber. Duel with Vader in carbon chamber, duel with Vader in airshaft. Ends with Luke falling down shaft and being rescued by Falcon. Luke promises to rescue Han.




Scrolling text from Return of the Jedi


Scroll down to Tattoine...enter Luke

SIXTH LEVEL: Jabba's Palace

Luke enter's Jabba's, attempts to bargain for Han, rancor battle, captured




SEVENTH LEVEL: Sail Barge Suprise

Luke saves the day!

Ends with Jabbas barge exploding, rebels flee




Luke and others split up, Luke heads back to Dagobah to complete training. Death of Yoda, Obi Wan reunion.



Since from Luke's departure from Dagobah to the Rebel fleet up until the scene where Luke turns himself in to Vader is rather irrelavent to this TC, we will use another method of transition.




Luke turns himself in to Vader on Endor. Brought on to Death Star to meet the Emporer. Final Duel with Vader. Vader saves Luke. Ends with Luke barely making it off the Death Star



ENDING ........


Well that's a basic idea of it. And depending on how long this takes, this may only be the first episode in a series of Luke Skywalker adventures. Next in line would be a TC based on the Thrawn Trilogy.


Yes, I plan on having a long and healthy career of JK2 editing, and we are absolutely determined to reach our goal. I have even begun making rough layouts of levels with EF Radiant.:)


So if you like what you see and are 100% motivated, drop me a line. The more hard working people we have on this, the faster it will be complete.:D




Thank you for your time.

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