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I loved it too. I was really impressed by the Balrog, I never quite managed to imagine how it looked, so what they showed was satisfying.


My favourite character would have to be Sam I think, both in the movie and the book. Gandalf was portrayed great in the movie as well, along with the majority of the characters.


Just a shame that we have to wait 2 years for the conclusion. ;)

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Instead of making a new topic of this, I'll revive an old one.


I just bought the LotR Soundtrack today. It's really cool. Most of the track names are the same as the chapter names, and there's a lot of chorus in it, sung in Elvish, Dwarfish, Black speech ... some english. I really takes you to Middle Earth.


The Seer Speaks ...


Yénillor morne (Out of the Black Years)

tulinte I quettar (come to the words)

tercáno nuruva (the Herald of Death)


Hlasta! Qyetes (Listen - it speaks to)

Hfirimain: (those who were not born to die)


The Ringspell ...

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Guest GhostKeeper

i saw lotr, and it was the best movie i have seen in a loong time. The end is so gay though, we have to wait another year!!! and that archer dude (legoias or something) is just awesome, esp when he fired the 3 arrows and then stabed the guy and fired another one, aargon ( i think thats how u spell it) is also awesome. And i was wondering how did they do the hobbit trick? becuz elijah wood isnt small, if any1 knows plz post it, and i think everyone should go see it. The beginning is very boring but after about 45 mins it starts getting very good!!!!


Lol just remebered that guy in the mines looks extactly like Diablo from d2, but still very cool.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Hiya Krkode =P Ive been here but mostly in the Senate forum.


Anyway guys, I just wanted to let you guys know of a really cool dvd find. I went to the mall yesterday to finish up my Christmas shopping when I found this awesome Tolkien tribute dvd. It has interviews with Tokien's family, friends, critics, and "experts" on Middle Earth. It ran for $14 (United States). It has a ton of interesting tid bits in it and I thought to any real Tolkien fan, this is a must have.

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Guest GhostKeeper

speaking of dvd's when is the fellowship comin out on dvd? and will the 2 towers come out around mid dec next yr?



ps rogue can i steal ur avatar plzzz!!

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The more I think about it, the more I didn't like it.....


I have been waiting for this movie for over 2 years now, so don't call me a troll.....


The fact that I knew exactly what was going to happen proberly didn't help.....didn't think It would matter, but it did.....maybe its just me *shrugs*


The changes.


There of course has to be changes, but some of them were just unnecessary.......And being a LoTR's purist, all change is bad change ;)


Arwen wasn't as bad as I thought she was going to be......and I'm glad they gave her a bigger part.


The great thing about LoTR is the massive scale.....how it feels that it is a real world, that has a real history.....This seemed compressed in the movie.....Still there, just not in force.


Imagery.....This rocked, 'nuff said....The Balrog looked EXACTLY how I imagened.....even the Hobbits, which I was kind of disapointed about in the trailers, looked cool :cool:



I was anticipating this movie as the greatest of all time.....What I got was a pretty cool movie, just didn't live up to MY hype.

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Originally posted by EndSub

The fact that I knew exactly what was going to happen proberly didn't help.....



lol it probably didn't! I'm going to read the book now after I've seen the movie, so that way I feel good about both the movie and the book.

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Originally posted by EndSub

The fact that I knew exactly what was going to happen proberly didn't help.....



lol :D


It probably didn't! I'm going to read the book now after I've seen the movie so I can enjoy both, and think both were the best I've ever read/seen.

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Originally posted by Noruas

Lord Of The Rings is absolutely incredible.. That elf in lothlorien looks way cooler. I also bought the soundtrack, although on the cover it said that the CD contains an exclusive web-link, I couldnt find it.


Put the CD in your CD rom drive and open it. Go to the html file you find there and you get acces to a page where you can download some stuff. There's a really cool quicktime movie about the LotR characters there (Legalos IRL look really ... different, same with Gandalf)

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