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FAQ Update: servers


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next time use quotes. ;)

Also Raven do read our posts take in our ideas. also they decided what modes they were gonna have a whiel ago on what WE wanted. If raven and lec really wanted to do what they want they'd ahve put jsut deatjmatch in and that's it. But becaue they knew WE woudln't want that they put in more. if it wasn't for the fans then were woudl this game.... we wouldn't be here and we wouln't be getting this game so in the end up it is dwon to us.

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Originally posted by DarthLocutus

I wouldn't expect much complexity in a FPS game, boys.


Er... Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, anyone?


You all underestimate the laziness of the human species.


So, your contribution to this thread is that we should all stop anticipating great things from JK II because of the inherent laziness of the human race, and thus, by implication, of the guys at Raven. Gimme a break. We know that there are new MP modes in JKO. We've been told. What harm is there, then, in speculating about what they may be? Sure, your ideas of what these new gameplay types might be different to mine, or digl's, but that's the whole point. We're here to discuss them.

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Originally posted by DarthLocutus

For your information pal, Raven members do read this board and you just made a fool of yourself in front of them.

I wonder why they read them If you said "LA/Raven does not care what you think about their MP modes"


"I posted that. I forgot, should I memorize everything I read about the game?


Thanks ed, you explained exactly what I was talking about"


Raven have decided long ago, by themselves, what multiplayer modes they are going to have.


I think they make the game to earn money. People buy the game if they like It, and there is many people that think like I do. I want more MP modes, If those MP modes are appealing to me and thousands others around the world they buy the game. So they get money and continue to make good games, and everyone is happy


Like ed says, there are complex FPSs and we have been told there are new modes. They are not just throwing in deathmatch, as Agen says they know what we want

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All inflammatory comments have been deleted. :cool:


This thread will remain open as long as the discussion remains civilised, and does not turn into a flame war. If people wish to conduct personal attacks on each other...that's fine by me...just do it somewhere else, like ICQ.


We're building a great community here, so as Strider says, please cool down and try to tolerate other people's opinions, even if you passionately disagree with them.

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