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Natty i apologize. Read..

Admiral Casaba the 3rd

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I don't remember you thinkin I was male :confused: but at least you have a brain JoJo and figured out pretty quickly I'm female, I mean how many people pointed out to Admeral I am female before it finally clicked that I'm female. At least 6people said "Natty is female, she has a boyfriend" or something to that extent and he still insisted I was male :rolleyes:

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ok for the last time of the sexuality thing(it seems like it never ends. WHy?) ok

1. natty sounds like Nat which is a boy's name

2. you used the wrods GAY a lot

3. you posted smilies

4. That banner with rainbow colors

conclusion= your 1 really gay male or your a happy female.

i interpreted at first that you were a male. And i found something about you being a 28 year old male from someone. I don't know who. But i truned out to be wrong.

real conclusion you were a female

proof: people teellimng me 1000 times you telling me 1000 times ,you have a boyfriend, AND your own website which shows you being a girl. The forst post i read from you was something baout getting your gay friend a didlo keychain for his birthday. And form that first post i thought you were A HOMOSEXUAL since you mentioned,"gay friend and dildo" But now everything is understood. I can even find the post i bet. It just would take me a while

that is all

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i KNOW YOUR FEMALE. Jeez. I mean c'mon get on with it. I know it for a week. get over it! Stop brining this up when you know that I know that you are a female. I know your a female/girl/whatever and not a amle or homosexual. I've gotten this for a long time. So why bring it up? You keep on asking how i could of thought of you as a male. And in the last post i told you.Even thogugh for a week i know that your female. Got it? good!

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Originally posted by Admiral Casaba the 3rd

i KNOW YOUR FEMALE. Jeez. I mean c'mon get on with it. I know it for a week. get over it! Stop brining this up when you know that I know that you are a female. I know your a female/girl/whatever and not a amle or homosexual. I've gotten this for a long time. So why bring it up? You keep on asking how i could of thought of you as a male. And in the last post i told you.Even thogugh for a week i know that your female. Got it? good!


Will you ever stop your childish spamming?

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Originally posted by Admiral Casaba the 3rd

i KNOW YOUR FEMALE. Jeez. I mean c'mon get on with it. I know it for a week. get over it! Stop brining this up when you know that I know that you are a female. I know your a female/girl/whatever and not a amle or homosexual. I've gotten this for a long time. So why bring it up? You keep on asking how i could of thought of you as a male. And in the last post i told you.Even thogugh for a week i know that your female. Got it? good!



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Originally posted by Grannen


Will you ever stop your childish spamming?

well i will stop this so call sapmming if you tell Natty to put a cork in it about this sexuality stuff. If she stops i'll stop. CHAIN REACTION=relates to a law in science. So if she gets over it so will I. ok let me say

END/FIn/Shut the HEll up before i go ba;istic(too late)

i mean STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!! RED SIGN! And i speal English but i have a tendancy to screw up a couple of words(actually a lot)

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yes let's stop bout this sexuality war and just move on to other stuff. Like books and video games and stuff.

"Casaba, you were being immature and annoying even before the whole deal with my sexuality came up"

yes BEFORE but this is now and it has stoped. It has reached the end of it's peak. (weakest link woman) Whose lightbulb has gone out?

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