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I've been experimenting with a number of different types of rushes.


1. TL1/TL2 Troopers

2. TL1/TL2 Mounties

3. TL3 Fighters

4. TL3/TL4 Jedi


Although its difficult to get definite figures I get the feeling the TL3 fighter rush is the easiest to execute and the least riskiest if you havent got it quite right.


Does anybody else agree/disagree?


What other types of rushes are ppl doing?

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Guest jubjubjub

It all depends on how good your opponent is.


Yesterday in a 2v2, I was outdistancing one opponent in score early on. My scout didn't see any defense in his base, so I t2'd at 12 minutes (25 or so workers) and sent in 5 troopers. I probably got over half his workers. The idea was to disrupt him so I could get to t3 first and come in with air before he got turrets up. I followed up at about 25 minutes with a few air units and he had no defense, except for a few aa troopers, and I parked the planes over his command center while I dealt with his partner, who by then was strongly attacking the other side of my base (my partner was no help). I went back later with 4 cannons, 8 troopers and 5 air units and finished his base off.


In another game vs strong players (3v3 team asteroids), t2 rushing was definitely not available. Everyone was booming. I had over 35 workers before going to t2 and didn't start going to t3 until I saw an opponent reach it (50+ workers). He (naboo) waited to build about 10 fighters before rushing. That gave me time to tower my base and it took out all his fighters. Nonetheless, I lost quite a few villagers because I placed my first 3 aa turrets at the edge of the asteroid facing him and not guarding my workers (dumb!). I scrambled to get aa turrets up in my base when his planes were already there. He set me back about 10 minutes, and accomplished his objective, but there was no follow-up and I was fully back in the game in no time.


So, it really depends on how quick you are vs. your opponent. If you are going to rush, don't build up a big force to do it with as it allows your opponent to get defenses up.


I don't consider myself a good rusher, and am interested to see what others say.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sorry about that Jag!


I've uploaded the pages now. It's been madness with my site atm with lots of Scenarios being sent in to check.



One of my favourite rushes is the Tech1 but do note that with a Tech 2 rush, if your enemy has put Turrets down, your workers CAN destroy these.


T2 turrets have a limited range and can't shoot at anything too close. You could 'beat the hell ' out of the turret! hehe




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