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Merry Christmas!!!!


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Well, i've made one final level this year for Mysteries of the Sith.


The Initiation Arena


What is it?


It has a Single Player episode where you Saber battle through enemy after enemy until you get to a boss and beat it. You don't get ANY POWERUPS. And must rely on negotiation o wait, the enemies can't communicate, so you must attack with your lightsaber!!! The enemy's health is super high too, so it's PERFECT practice for people who want to do good at online saber battles.


Speaking of online, there's a multiplayer version included! it's 1 on 1 sabers only, and there are not ANY powerups in the level.


this level took me ALL day to make, mostly trying to get the episode to WORK correctly and not be annoying, i eventually had to rely on negotiation with my brain cells to function correctly, and they did and i did something no other life form has done!


The actual level took me about 30 minutes to make, but i made it look pretty good with the lighting, my FIRST successful attempt at lighting a level...


The level only has 2 spawn points, so only 1 on 1 play i think...

It's Sabers only, so personalities are out of the question.


I hope you all who have mots enjoy it.


Happy Holidays!




Pick up your present here.

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mots is jedi knights addon pack. i don't mess with jedi knight anymore, it's too hard to without the jedi knight cds, the only thing i could possibly do is cogs and mods, but it's not as fun as levels. and tie guy, yes i know it's not christmas yet. just thought i'd release it early.

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