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Monkey Island 5 storyline


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Lets face it, the storyline for MI4 wasn't great. What kind of storyline would you like 2 C in MI 5?




Guybrush, Murray, Elaine, Herman & a mottley crew sail off into the sunset in search of advernture, followed closely by an angry LeChuck. They find themselves in a new island district racked by mystery & adventure. They have to find the legend of dragons treasure to unlock a endless treasure.

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yes, I think the EMI story was great, introducing Ozzie Mandrill, a diabolical land developer who wants to weaken pirates everywhere, and that is where LeChuck comes in. The only problem was that the ending was too abrupt. In MI5, I think Murray should be involved in the plot somehow, like being Largo's undead spirit or something who forgot who he was when he was alive, and Stan has a business which blossoms and becomes a chain on all of the islands. I also think that Spittle and Pinchpenny island should be used, along with Phatt island. Wally should appear, along with Jojo Jr. and Herman might resign as Governer of Melee. Timmy should be important to the plot, as well as all the other characters should be involved. THey should make many disks for this.



Carla, Otis, Meathook, I. Cheese, Cutthroat Bill, Haggis McMutton, Edward Van Helgen, STAN, MURRAY, Herman Toothrot, Timmy, Jojo Jr., LECHUCK, Ozzie's undead spirit, Largo LaGrande, Pegnose Pete (what happened to him?), Rum Rogers Jr., the spitmaster, Captain Katen Capsize, the antique dealer, the chef in MI2, The Men Of Low Moral Fiber (pirates), the fisherman, the bartender in MI2, LEMONHEAD, the other cannibals, KENNY FALMOUTH, Captain Blondebeard, El Pollo Diablo, LeChimp, Slappy Cromwell, Placido Domingo, Goodsoup, Minnie and Charles DeGoulash, the skull island pirates, Jumbeaux LaFeet, the 2 parrots, Miss Rivers, Hellbeard, Elaine (the waitress), the tourist, the Micro-Groggery bartender, Admiral Casaba, the figurehead, Father Allegro Rasputin, BOB (the ghost pirate), the head of the navigator, Rottingham, THE VOODOO LADY, WALLY, the puppy from MI2, The governer of Phatt, Wharf Rat, Dinghy Dog, the soda jerk, Madame Xima, The flying welshman, the shopkeeper, the Scumm bar chef (first MI), parrot from dinky island, Cheeter from dinky island, the catapult operator, the fired chef, the two pirates from the beach of scabb, ressurected Rapp Scallion, the chef from the LUA bar, Marco DePollo, The female pirate from th school, the male pirate from the school, Deadeye Dave, Future and past Guybrush, the stick maker, Brittany the bank teller, the bank manager, Inspetor Canard, the 3 lawyers, the bait guy, the termite circus, Governer Mansion guard, clown from the amusement park, the fake map guy (Sven) and his parrot, Captain Smirk, Kenny's MOM!, quiet patron, fat actor, feral chicken, Mort the gravedigger and his dog, Tiny LaFeet, Simkins, the waitress from LUA, Lady of leisure, Starbucanneers employee, strange lady, the diving judges, the tourist from Planet Threepwood.



I dunno If they will fit.

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How about as HT Marley is governing Melee, Guybrush set sail with Elaine and the Barbers (A little pitstop at Plunder Island) as they're crew to find an Unpopulated island to find time for Elaine and Guybrush to be alone. Then, they are attacked by canibals. Then as the canibals realize that it is their old friends, they welcome them into their village, they tell about another more vicious canibal tribe on the island that wrongly worship LeChuck. And the canibals tell them about the strange shape of the mountain in the center of the island. Guybrush and Elaine look at the mountain.

Elaine: "My gosh, it looks exactly like-"

"LECHUCK!" Guybrush runs and hides.

Elaine: "Come back stupid, it's not really LeChuck."

Then, the canibals ask to do a favor for them. When you do, you get caught by the other canibals. They perform some weird voodoo cerimony bringing the dead soul of the statue LeChuck to the mountain, bringing it to life. Staue LeChuck returns.

Island name: LeChuck Island, Magoria Island, or something else.

MI5 name: The War of Monkey Island

Later, a war on Monkey Island happens. LeChuck, the bad canibals and Largo VS. Guybrush, Elaine and all of the other people Guybrush is good friends with. (Kinda like the battle in the beginnig of CMI only bigger and more things to fight.


So? How do you like that? Tell me. Rate it 1-10 (You can use things like 7.5 or 9.9)

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if lechucks, guybrush's brother, elains his wife, hermans his grandfather and timmy's his opet monkey, who's murray going to be. in the true lucas art/films style, i think murray should be both guybrushes and lechucks father. what do you think, or is that too cliche

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the war of monkey island... hmm... sounds good. id give it 10 for the name, but only 8 for the script idea.

i love seein the old characters, but in mi2 i hated havin 2 sail back an forth from isle 2 isle all the time. i dont want them 2 do that again so if they choose 2 use more than 1 island then PLEEZ dont make it so we have 2 sail back all the time!

Out of all the characters, whos your favorite character? i havent played mi4 yet coz i dont own a ps2, so i dont know all the characters but mine is Murray, coz Murray RULES!!!


I know you will all probably disagree, but i think itd be fun if Guybrush and Elaine had a kid. He or she could get kidnapped by LeChuck, or could be evil and swear allegiance to LeChuck or something. On the otherhand the kid could save the day. And if you really wanted to have fun, have twins, an evil AND a a good kid! I know this sounds cheesy, but i think it would be funny, maybe not for mi5, but mi6 or 7 if there is one. (i hope there is).

pleez tell me what u think of this idea.

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I would like to see a flashback thing involving Elaine's Grandfather Marley, who has been previously involved, maybe his battle with LeChuck as told in MI3. Myabe not that, but him as a captain as a larger crew, with Guybrush's father as a cabin boy or somthing, and it could be the 3 barber's last voyage. Whadya think of that? Guybrush deserves a break. I haven't finished playing through MI4, Guybrush won't use the stupid puppets to bomb the boulder to get Tiny's hat, I haven't experienced Monkey Fighting but read all about it. The insult fighting sounds better.

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Originally posted by Dracyia

the war of monkey island... hmm... sounds good. id give it 10 for the name, but only 8 for the script idea.


Only 8 out of 10? 8/10 is a B! Thats pretty good! 10/10 for the name is an A (Or A+ depending on you taste, I prefer A+, it makes it sound better.)

Well then at the war on Monkey Island They could destroy part of Monkey Island revieling some grand place like a hidden city. Not heck though, that is just too wrong. Then Guybrush visits the Giant Monkeyhead remains (Monkey robot in MI4, boom!) And something miraculious (New head, Giant tree growing or something like that.) And at the end (LeChuck is buried somewhere in the ocean), Elaine could be pregnent or something (Horatio: "What did you do to my granddaughter?!"). Then, it is left of for MI6 or something.

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Personally, I think Monkey Island functioned so much better in 2D. Curse of Monkey Island was by far the best of the series, LeChuck's Revenge (number two) the worst. But 3-Dimension...ality...ness didn't go that well for MI4, but was employed because it's cutting edge. MI can be so much more cartoony, and hilarious, and exaggerated if it's in a simple two-dimensional easy to work with format. it's just nowhere near as funny as it could be when it's restricted by 3-D. I know you'd rarely hear someone say 3-D restricts games, but Guybrush just looks so wooden. In the tradition of Monkey Island, cartoonish comedy, it is a lot better in the classic 2D. You've got to agree with me there.

As a compromise, I think it'd be cool if in MI5 it could chop and change between 2d and 3d. Like perhaps there could be some action parts in the game that you could control in 3d. like a boat chase, or horse and cart chase, or wherever appropriate.

I think the idea of the Marley-Threepwoods' child being kidnapped is wayyyyyy to predictable. The War of Monkey Island does sound like a good plot, though. I like that some cannibals took the LeChuck statue and worship it and stuff. What happened to ti at the end of MI4 anyway?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't LeChuck say in COMI that the secret of monkey island is "the very gates of hell themselves"? Didn't that solve it?

Definitely for MI5, more songs (i still giggle at all the ones in COMI) and more insults. Rhyming insults. That was awesome. We only got a mere taste of insults in MI4. I think that a lot of previous characters returning sounds like a good idea. Maybe not all the ones that MurrayDude came up with, though. Carla, Otis, Meathook, Cutthroat Bill, Haggis McMutton, Edward Van Helgen, Stan, Murray(Give him a bigger part!!!), Herman Toothrot, LeChuck, Largo LaGrande, Pegnose Pete (what happened to him?), Lemonhead, the other cannibals, Kenny Falmouth, El Pollo Diablo, The Skull Island pirates (definitely my favourites: "That diamond belongs in a museum!" "So do post-impressionist paintings, Mr Threepwood... so do Post-Impressinoist paintings."), Admiral Casaba (like a ship chase with him!), Wally, The governer of Phatt (I'd love to see him animated), Wharf Rat, Dinghy Dog, The Flying Welshman (I love this guy), Brittany the bank teller (as a big pop singer!), Inspector Canard and Mort the gravedigger would all be good to come back, or at least make cameos.

As an afterthought, Captain Blondebeard, LeChimp, Goodsoup, Minnie and Charles DeGoulash, the figurehead, the head of the navigator, Rottingham, the chef from the LUA bar, the 3 lawyers, Kenny's Mom, feral chicken, Madame Xima and ressurected Rapp Scallion. It'd be nice just to seem them perhaps very briefly, if only passing in the background.

Two things that sucked in MI4:

1) They're talking about Y1.6k, so it was the 15 or 1600's. Australia wasn't discovered til the 1700's! Hello?

2) When you have to hit Herman to get his memory back. After you throw the bottle at him, regardless of whether you've hit Herman with the accordion yet or not and he's revealed his identity, if you look at Herman Guybrush says "who would have thought he's really Captain Marley!" before he's actually said that! This totally ruiend the surprise. Maybe I should put that in another forum.

Well, thanks for sticking with me!

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Originally posted by MancombSeepgood

1)...The War of Monkey Island does sound like a good plot, though. I like that some cannibals took the LeChuck statue and worship it and stuff. What happened to it at the end of MI4 anyway...


2)...Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't LeChuck say in COMI that the secret of monkey island is "the very gates of hell themselves"? Didn't that solve it?...


3)...They're talking about Y1.6k, so it was the 15 or 1600's. Australia wasn't discovered til the 1700's! Hello?...



1-Yes The War of Monkey Island was great idea!


2-A little while before when you ask LeChuck the secret of Monkey Island he makes you guess and Guybrush says "You don't know the secret of Monkey island, do you?!" and LeChuck says "Erm...No." Also in MI4 When you view cutscenes the one with the monkey robot is labeled "The REAL Secret of Monkey Island" so THAT settles it!


3-LucasArts makes a lot of silly things like that. I mean since when in the 1600s was there a giant monkey robot? LucasArts just makes it funny, you know, a modern thing in past times? Just to be funny, ya know?


PS: Hey! I'm starting to sound like a mod or an admin...cool!

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I am the mucho grande fan o the monkey and here be my idea for Monkey Island 5


I call it "Le Chucks Beard."


In this episode Largo envokes the whats left of Le Chuck spirit into Guybrushes body and Guybrushs spirit into what is left of Le Chucks mortal Beard.

A monkey (maybe Timmy) finds the beard and when he puts it on Guybrushs spirit is transmuted into the beardy pirate hat wearing monkey.

Largo and Le Chuck (who is married to Elaine through the use of Guybrush's body) try to take over the govenorship of the Tri Island area by brain washing the govenor (Elaine) via the use of voodoo and putting her memories (not Mammories) into a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle and then tossing it into the ocean.


During the game Guybrush tries to recover his body and so, can essentually be put into any character such as Wally b. Feed ect.


I like this premise and would love for anyone to elaborate on it.


I posted this before in another forum but I don't think anyone saw it, I like the idea, plus im posting it again because i am pathetic and crave attention, read my story god dammit!!

um , heh . . . . . yes.


the good capt'n

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I don't suppose Guybrush will die in MI5? Its just that if u played CMI, u will remember that the voodoo lady said " blood island will be the place... where u will die". She said it when Guybrush is discussing the huge un cursed diamond ring. So that means Blood island could be in MI5 and Guybrush may die which doesn't seem very possible to me!:D:p

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Originally posted by Charley

I don't suppose Guybrush will die in MI5? Its just that if u played CMI, u will remember that the voodoo lady said " blood island will be the place... where u will die". She said it when Guybrush is discussing the huge un cursed diamond ring. So that means Blood island could be in MI5 and Guybrush may die which doesn't seem very possible to me!:D:p


Don't you remember faking death at Blood Island? The Voodoo Lady probably saw Guybrush on the floor of the hotel or in a coffin and thought Guybrush died.

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First of all: Captain Squinky, your idea sucks. A lot. Sorry.


Second yeah yeah, I know the giant monkey isn't meant to be taken seriously and everything. But that could have been made by some real smart ancient civilisation/monkeys. Something like sticking an Australian in seems to be almost accidental, like they didn't know. And the university of Toowoomba? I know that wasn't established til like 50 years ago! lol

But I won't get worked up about it.

Interesting how you (guybrush m-t) noticed "the real secret of monkey island" printed on the giant monkey. I didn't notice that! You have quite the eye for detail. Man this is a pointless message. Bye!

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Originally posted by Kjølen


Only 8 out of 10? 8/10 is a B! Thats pretty good! 10/10 for the name is an A (Or A+ depending on you taste, I prefer A+, it makes it sound better.)


ok, now id giv ur thing 20/10. u shood b help write the script for mi!! i used 2 think i wiz a big fan, but now i no bettr coz almost all of u no more than me!


yea! i hope the maggots r in mi5! they r the best! well, best next 2 Murray!


I think murray shood b like the only, er, 'living' head that knows where something is, like a stone that will trap LeChuck until some drunk comes along an sets him free again well, ok, not the drunk, but something like that. I no! the guy at the top of the cliff in mi3, i cant remember his name at the moment, but him. He sets LeChuck free ready for mi6! Murray shood b one of the main characters because hes the best of them all, sorry guybrush. i also think that ome of the ol characters shood stay in it, like wally, an jojo the monkey, an Meathooks parrot, but not 2 many of them, because thatd just b tacky.


All of the mi series have lousy plots. well, not lousy, but they arent exactly the best around. Its not the plot that matters, if they made a complicated plot then no-one wood play it, because no-one cares about that, they care about the jokes, humerous things that every1 in it does or says. the plot doesnt make this a brilliant game. its the content!


mi5 shood b made like mi3 was. it doesnt matter if its in 3d or in 2d. d2 was easier, but 3d was more up-to-date. if it woz made in 2d itd probably b boring, but in 3d its 2 hard an ennoyin to control. mi3 had brill graphics, was easy 2 control and you cpuld walk anywhere in the screen. its gotta b the best of them all.

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