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Scenario Editor?

Guest Lord Maul

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Guest Lord Maul
:confused: I was creating a scenario using the editor (of course) but everytime I tried to test it, the screen closed and I was back at my desktop. But... it was still reading the disk because it was playing the background music. I had to shut down and start over everytime. Any suggestions?
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Guest zealot2k

I think if you make triggers about certain units then delete the units before the triggers, the game doesn't like it. If you've done summat like that it could be the problem.

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Guest Lord Maul

Thanks for the suggestions. I already have the patch installed. I guess I'll try and start over with the scenario and see if the problem persists. Thanks again.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

This probably have nothing to do with the patch. Usually this problem is caused by a trigger that does nothing, particularly a trigger with an area of effect. Make sure all of your triggers (especially effects) have a purpose, like it affects an area or an object. Otherwise, crash is imminent. If you can't figure out which specific trigger causes the problem, you might need to delete all of your triggers.

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