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Ship crew


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If you had a standard capitol starship, who would you want it's critical personnal to be? Fill in these categories:



First Mate

Chief Repairman

Security Chief

Operations Coordinator

Weapons Chief


I realize that all of these may not be real positions. But they sounded good to me!:p Your picks may be from the light or dark side.


My picks off the top of my head:


Captain: Darth Vader

First Mate: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Chief Repairman: Chewbacca

Security Chief: Luke Skywalker

Operations Coordinator: Emperor Palpatine

Weapons Chief: Wedge Antilles


Tell me what you think. I may revise my choices later.

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See, I put Empy as Coordinator, cuz Jedi Masters can use the Force to make all the crewmembers fight better. I picked Thrawn for First Mate cuz he is an excellent planner, one of the best ever. While the captain is giving orders, Thrawn would be coming up with brilliant strategies. Wedge has been the only one selected for Weapons, but there are many other good choices. Vader is the best pilot ever, though maybe not in a capitol ship. A lot of guys could be selected for Repairman. Keep up the posts! Han and Lando haven't even been mentioned!

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