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My Fellowship of the Ring Review SPOILERS INSIDE

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

OK first off.. WOOOOOOWW!


Ok now that I got that off my chest...


My friend (Tadyen), my brother and his wife, and myself arrived at the theatre just as the trailers started to come on. The theatre just went dark and upon looking in, there were very few seats left, other than the left hand side close to the screen itself. That had to do. Just as we got ourselves tucked in nice and neat, up came the Blade 2 teaser, then Austin Powers III teaser among some other movies. Then all went black and the screen with it. Then an enchanting female voice filled the theatre, spilling the prologue of Sauron and the history of the One Ring as the screen slowly came to life as "THE LORD OF THE RINGS" ignited and the crowd stared with awe. Sauron then takes shape in his impressive armor with the One Ring adorned on him as he smote his enemies in waves from his furious blade. Scores upon scores of bodies are hewn away in dark clouds of flesh, blood, and armor.


I will say it again.. wwooooooooowwwww!


The Shire was captured extremly nicely as the look of innocense and a sense of kindly history is portayed over the rolling green hills and fields with rounded buildings and a deep culture. The size of hobbits and dwarves were done excellently portraying a believability and non distracting to look at to make you believe for 3 hours that dwarves and hobbits really do exist.


Elijah Wood makes the perfect Frodo Baggins.Sir Ian McKellen portays the wise, loving, yet short tempered wizard we know as Gandalf the Grey. His presense in scenes illuminated the crowd that we could relate too as a father figure, somebody to look up too, somebody we could feel safe around. Christopher Lee steps in as the corrupted Saruman from the shadows building up his army of followers, the Uruk Hai, half goblins, half orcs. Isengard that was once green turns to a wasteland, a small icon of Mordor.


The Watcher in the lake finally takes form. From a past animated version of only tenticles, the movie brings the giant leviathon to life revealing its whole slimey body with grasping jaws as its tenticles search out for Frodo.


The Balrog... what can I say.. I was in total awe. It was like a flaming Diablo himself on steroids pounding his presence through the Mines of Moria, which captured the essense of a fallin dwarven empire now infested with the likes of orcs and a cave troll which looked like Shek on hiatus. The Balrog's sheer size was inspiring and its 30 foot wingspan was a site to behold. The LOTR fan will not be let down upon his unholy site.


The battle scenes were intense as the arrows of Legalos the Wood Elf zip through the air seeking out their targets and the axe of Gimli the Dwarf hews chunks from orcs. Aragorn's sword flies into action as Boromir smotes his horn. Very well done.


Lothlorien enchants us, yet holds an ominious aura about it. Galadriel comes to the screen with Celeborn larger than life as their presence illuminate an auro of light which was captured well on cinema.


The film ends just like the first book, thus, I have no quarrels. It is what one should come to expect from a trilogy that was not written to be made into a movie. Tolkien wrote this as a book, that which this movie captures. There are some changes here and there from the book, but the changes flow smoothly with the story.


The rest I will leave to those who have not watched. Overall I give this movie an A and a well done pat on the back to Mr. Peter Jackson.

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Ooh...another LotR thread for me to rant in.


  • Sauron looked like something out of Power Rangers
  • The Orcs were waaaaaaay too slimy
  • Legolas kicked major arse.
  • The time at Lothlorien was waaaay too short and it didn't explain a thing.
  • Galadriel came off as just a bit witchy.
  • Boromir dies at the start of The Two Towers


Hmm....I think that about covers it.

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Boromir died at the end of book 2. Book 3 started with Frodo and Sam's journey to Mordor. So Two Towers had no mention of Boromir, except when he was later refered to by Faramir of Minas Tirith.


Saruman was the Head of The Wizard Council, who wanted the One Ring for himself, not for Sauron.


Peter Jackson took out the Hobbit's adventure in the Old Forest, with Tom Bombadale and his wife (before they reached Bree). Tom as the Only one in the Middle-Earth who cannot be affected by the powers of the One Ring. (which would be quite awkward for those who hasnt read the book)

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Originally posted by Noruas

Boromir died at the end of book 2. Book 3 started with Frodo and Sam's journey to Mordor. So Two Towers had no mention of Boromir, except when he was later refered to by Faramir of Minas Tirith.


Nope, Boromir died indeed at the beginning of The two towers ...


12 hours from now I will be sitting in the cinema ... getting tickets was hard enough.

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