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YOUR RIGHTS violated?


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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

If you live in the usa like i do i think you should know that this anti terrorism bill took away alot of your 4th amendment rights weather u wanna blieve it or not it happened


Well, thats the nature of government. The people give up certain rights to the government in order to allow the government to protect them. Although we may loose some rights, we can accept it if it keeps many more people safe.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I live in Canada but I do have an opinion on that and it is; Instead of pushing it so fast to become law the government should have developed it more and decided on the consiquences of such a bill.

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

I live in Canada but I do have an opinion on that and it is; Instead of pushing it so fast to become law the government should have developed it more and decided on the consiquences of such a bill.


Canadians, always making sense.;)

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Bad news Luke, the Canadian Gov has passed or preparing to pass the same type of Law (in fact it has just about the same wording) :rolleyes:


The W_I_D_E definition they gave of terrorists or terrorism acts in this law is quite frightening. ANY Protest of ANY gov policy can be defined as terrorism with this law(.The definition goes something like this "Any attempt to change gov policy by coercition" is a terrorist act). Big brother here we come...Oh, sorry , i think it's called new world order.


I guess our gov envy the chinese way of doing things.

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ok ok


the US government thought it was nescessary i believe it isnt

I truthfully (prepares to run for cover)think a Nuclear bomb into Kabul (the afgan capital) would do the trick of course some of those nations would go balistic but do u really think their gunna do anything with visious of their capital suffring the same fate

all a nuclear bomb is is a normal bomb that does a much better job of blowing up :)

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by Kuma

The W_I_D_E definition they gave of terrorists or terrorism acts in this law is quite frightening. ANY Protest of ANY gov policy can be defined as terrorism with this law(.The definition goes something like this "Any attempt to change gov policy by coercition" is a terrorist act). Big brother here we come...Oh, sorry , i think it's called new world order.


That would falll under the first amendment. Right to free speech. There are terrorist groups that have websites on servers in the USA but because of the 1st amend. The gov. can't do anything about it. Also from what I know of the bill. It is just widening the powers of a warrant to tap a person phone lines and the likes. You will still need to go to a judge to approve the taps, and other warrants.


I'll remind you that our rights are not infinet but do have limits. When you set up a gov. you place limits on your rights.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

it also said "this document shall NOT be infringed"


Well, if they want to do something major with rights, then they'd have to have an ammendment, otherwise it wouldn't get past the supreme court.

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