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Happy Nrw Year


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Originally posted by Natty

I'm not surprised Guybrush got drunk one one glass- he's only 13, so he's a baby who doesn't know how to handle his alcohol :p


:mad: .... lol, actually i didnt get smashed in the least....i drank one glass of champagne and got tipsy....I could drive a bumper car without crashing at that alcohol intesity level..........


..............and the reason why i didnt get smashed is because i have high alcohol tolerance....silly, billy............i'm not like BOB or anything....


Cause bob spent 15 years getting loaded...then his liver exploded....

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Originally posted by TheLegend

Well, he could be here for the great things in Amsterdam.


For the record, I went to Amsterdam today. I went for a CD, Green Hair Spray and a Leather Jacket..... All I got was a really kick-ass leather jacket, and tired feet...... :)

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Of course Guybrush, and with your diabeties, I would assume alcohol is a biiiiiiiiiig no no


I've found out that khalua and some form of cola is yummmmy, better than when you have it with milk. I've decided that khalua is my new favorite all purpose alcohol, you can have it with anything other than lemonade and it tastes bewdiful, and you can also have it on its own as a shotty

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I'm not much older than Guybrush and it takes a lot more than one glass to get drunk. But anyway, I agree with Natty Khalua is good, though i've never tried it with pop. I believe Khalua with milk is called a White Russian, it's not too bad. In my opinion the best all purpose alcohol is Woddy's Orange or Loaded Soda, they don't taste alcoholic though.


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Originally posted by Alexa

I'm not much older than Guybrush and it takes a lot more than one glass to get drunk. But anyway, I agree with Natty Khalua is good, though i've never tried it with pop. I believe Khalua with milk is called a White Russian, it's not too bad. In my opinion the best all purpose alcohol is Woddy's Orange or Loaded Soda, they don't taste alcoholic though.


White Russian

- 1 1/2 oz Vodka

- 3/4 oz Kahlua

- 3/4 oz Light Cream or Milk


Mix the vodka and kahlua together then float the cream on top. Add ice if desired


Don't drink too many! :)

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Originally posted by fender


Woedern. Your name wouldn't be Coon would it?


Don't knowe that place. Let's search for it in the way-too-big-atlas...........Do you mean Woerden? West of Utrecht, South of Amsterdam, North of Rotterdam?


Oh and BTW I think you meant "Koen", but you so pronounce it as Coon

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Originally posted by Deadmeat_X

Order chesse online??!? There are some sick people in this world.

It is rather common that Embassy staff or people stationed abroad order specalities from their home countries or food that can't be bought locally.

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Originally posted by Deadmeat_X

Order chesse online??!? There are some sick people in this world.

It is rather common that Embassy staff or people stationed abroad order specalities from their home countries or food that can't be bought locally.

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