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JKII isn't about waiting...


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Hi, I'm new to these Forums. It wasn't until I realized that JKII was going to be released in about a month that I realized I better get with the program.


I've been a fan of JK since it came out. I was like 12 years old when I got the full version. Recently, I was debating on which to get--OpFlash, RtCW, and others. Then it hit me, JKII is coming out, I thought was this when I thought about MoH: AA.


But then again, recently, I'm been reading reviews before buying a game. Then I realized, JKII, I trust. I don't need to question if it will be a good game. IT WILL BE A GOOD GAME!


It's all a matter of faith.


Oh yeah, what are the ranks in the Forums. E.g. Newbie, Soldier, General... And after 200 do you get to create your own?



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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

"ahem" i believe stormhammer puts a ™ beside jedi medallion


Yes, I hand out the official chocolate Jedi Medallions around here. Who's been making counterfeits again.... *looks around suspiciously with a twitchy right eye*


Welcome to the forums JekRendar. :D Here you go...


*hands over an official chocolate Jedi Medallion™*


They're tasty. ;)


As for how long to wait, it's anyone's guess, though the general concensus is March (at the moment). Not long to wait at all...so dust off your sabers and oil your finger-joints... ;)

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Originally posted by JekRendar



But then again, recently, I'm been reading reviews before buying a game. Then I realized, JKII, I trust. I don't need to question if it will be a good game. IT WILL BE A GOOD GAME!



There is always a chance the game could stink to high heaven. I used to buy Lucas Arts games as soon as they came out until I got Rebellion and Infernal Machine and did I ever felt cheated out of my money! Of course I had no one to blame but myself, and I know a lot of people here liked those games so I won't knock it except by saying I felt those games were way below what they could/should have been.


I do believe that JO is going to be a great game. I think LEC went through what I call a 'Fat Elvis' period. Where after they were releasing some great pc games they got a little complacent and released standard, average game formats that they knew would work. And after a lot of honest reviews of their product by consumers and game reviewers, LEC is wising up and getting back to the challenge of releasing great games.

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When will the game come out? At Amazon, they say Feb. 1, at LucasArts, they say March. My theroy is that the one at LucasArts, in the FAQ, is probably older than the one at Amazon. I don't know. But if the game is going to be released in a month, wouldn't they have put up a demo by now...

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