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The Final Version of My Story Galaxy Wars

Delphi's Clone

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By: Thomas K

Galaxy Wars

Vade Squadron:

The First Invasion



The Captain says: “Ok guys, let’s get a move on. Load the cargo ships as quickly as you can. If we don’t deliver the weapons to the Republic on time, we’ll only get 1/3 of the money we were promised.”

The convoy arrives at their first stop on promptly. They start refueling more ships as they arrive in the system.

The Radar man says, “Captain forty unidentified war ships have just dropped out of hyperspace. They’re launching about a hundred unidentified star fighters. All of them are activating their weapons.”

“All hands on deck, red alert 40 warships have just entered the system. They are launching fighters. Fire at will. All ships engage evasive maneuvers, and launch your escorts. The communications officer sent a distress call.”

The captain looks out of the view port and sees the escorts being devoured by hundreds of enemy star fighters; the escorts are running away not even fighting, the last of them blows up in a spectacular ball of blue fire. “Now they’re heading towards convoy,” the commander thinks.

“ All cargo ships concentrate fire against the first warship.”

The commander quietly says to himself, “It isn’t working. Their shields are too strong for our small laser cannons.”

He looks out of the view port and sees the enemy war ship’s blowing up one of the convoy ship’s. The commander thinks, “I know we’re all going to die out here, but why I have no clue.”

Then one of the warships heads right towards them, he sees it unleashing about 50 green laser blasts and then everything goes black………….

"This is convoy alph......... we are under attack........... unknown ships.......... are attacking us they seem t......................" END OF TRANSMISSION. "As you can see here, Wade, one of our convoys was attacked by unknown ships. We have no clue who they were and where they came from, due to the bad transmission quality. When we arrived we only saw small pieces of twisted metal and debris floating around. We collected all that was left of the convoy ships, and we cannot understand why anyone would just destroy the convoy and not take the goods it was transporting. Due to that fact, we ruled out that it might have been a pirate attack; we think that another type of army wants to start a war with us. Because of what happened yesterday, we are calling all military ships and star fighter squadrons back on duty. When do you think you could get all your people and ships together, Wade?" the admiral asks.

Wade says, "I think I’d be able to get all my people together in about 2 days, Admiral."

"Well, we do not have that much time, Wade. I want you to report on the Everquest with all your people and star fighters in one day. There you will get a more descriptive briefing about your mission."

"Yes sir, I'll do my best" Wade thinks to himself. “Well, I’d better get through to my people as soon as possible. Computer open a link to all Vade squadron members. Vade’s, this is commander Wade Anders. You are to rendezvous with me at the Everquest in 20 hours from now. You are now in active duty.” Wade thinks, “Well I’d better start packing.”

“What that soon I’ll barley make it. Computer open a channel to Mara Kolak. Hey Mara, did you here that, we’re on duty again.” Krev says.


Mara replies “ Ya, I got it just a minute ago on my computer. I wonder what happened… well, whatever happened we better start going, it’s a 16 hour flight from here”

“You’re right. Well, see you at the Everquest.”

“See you there.”

20 hours later…

Olos (Vade 9) exclaims, “Wow look at the size of that thing. I almost forgot how big those SSC’s were.”

Wade replies, “Cut the chatter 9, they’re calling us.”

“This is the Super Star Cruiser Everquest. Welcome please transmit your ID.” The communications officer says.

“This is Vade 1 here you go” Wade says, as he transmits the code.

“You’re clear commander”

“Welcome Vade Squadron, I am most pleased to see you could show up in time. All Vade’s please land in Hanger bay one and report to my office at once” says Admiral Dugan.

“Nice to see you to Admiral. Will do. Ok Vade’s, follow up with the landing procedure” says Wade.

Wade climbs out of his ship, and thinks, “Hmm… more orderly than the last time I was here. All the ships are in a row, and the hangers floor, though, toughly worn and scorched by the Space Craft, that land and take of here, is so shiny that I can see a reflection of myself. Hmm… sure wasn’t this nice in the old civil war.”

Wade goes up the stairs with his fellow Vade’s in to the Admirals room.

“Greeting’s Vade Squadron. I am truly sorry that I hauled you in here on such short notice, but this is very important, as most of you probably know there was an attack on one of our convoy’s. Nothing was left except debris. We did not even find the debris of one of the enemy fighters, which means that the attacker had no casualties; this causes a problem for us, since a squadron of fighters was guarding the convoy. A few minutes ago we picked up a transition from the 3rd world in the Sullaraari system. It said that they were under attack by hundreds of ships, of unknown kind. Your mission is to go into the system with one SC and 2 other squadrons of fighters, so you can go, and save the other planets from destruction. Now any questions?” asks the admiral.

“No sir” says Wade.

“Good, then report to the SC Demolisher’s hanger at once. There your craft will be fully reloaded. Good luck.”


“Ok Vades, you heard what the Admiral said, move it.”

The Vades arrive.

“Ok group, form attack position, stay sharp and fire space missiles when ready, they’re almost here” Wade orders.

“I’ve got a lock” Wades targeting box goes red, and he fires two reddish green blurs towards hundreds of enemy ships, and so do the rockets of the other ships. But Wade keeps an eye on his missiles, and to his surprise when the missiles blow up, about seventeen ships vanish in the fantastic red blue ball of fire. Surprisingly, the ball is only big enough to engulf five of the ships while the explosion only scrapes the others. They still blow up, though one of them goes off spinning towards two of his other mates, and crashes into them all. Three of them blow up in a spectacular ball of blue orange fire.

The other rockets have the same effect, and then Wade notices the enemy ships must have no shields.

“This is Vade one. All crafts save the missiles for the capital ships, their Star Fighters have no shields.”

“This is Vade three, I’ve got some on my back I can’t shake ‘em, please assist.”

Wade starts making his way towards Vade three and sees that he has five of the enemy ships on his back. Then he pumps about three laser bolts into the first one, two pierce it’s engines and the 3rd one goes right through the cocpit. The ship starts falling apart, it doesn’t even blow up, and then the others come and make short work of the other enemies.

“Thanks guys, I owe you one” Vade Three says.

After that the dogfight does not last very long. The enemy fighters are no match for the shielded star fighters of the Republic, but six republic fighters are lost in the fight due to the swarms of enemy craft.

“This is gold, seven, I have fifteen enemies on my tail I cant get rid of them. Shields down!”

“We’re coming Gold seven”

Just as Wade starts to fly towards Gold Seven, he sees that one of the fighters get off a clean shot that goes right through the tip of Gold Sevens nose, exactly where the missiles are stored. Then an orange flash fills the cocpit and Gold Seven breaks right through the canopy and starts to fly away in his ejection seat. But then the Space Craft suddenly blows up in a tremendous ball of red fire that engulfs Gold Seven. Wade makes a fly bye and sees that nothing is left of Gold Seven.

“Now lets go for the capital ships Gold One, Gold Two, Gold Three, Vade Two, Vade Three, Vade Four, and Vade Five use my targeting coordinate. Fire in ten, nine, eight, six, seven, five, four, three, two, one, fire” Wade says. And the missiles rocket right toward the capital ship, which is about ¼ the size of a SC but there are about fifty of them in the system which makes them quite formidable, the ships shields hold out three of the concentrated missile blasts, but then collapse in a bright blue flare. The other shots make it to the hull and cause it to explode. The ship starts twisting where it is hit and then violently blows up. The fighter squadrons repeat the procedure about 23 times.

“Flight break off, I repeat break off. Let’s go back to the SC and help guard it as best we can we’re all out of missiles” says Wade.

The SC concentrates its fire on one ship at a time and after two of those blasts the ship blows up, but all the other enemy ships do the same thing to the SC each time they hit. They blow away 20% of the SC’s shields after one minute seventeen of the enemy ships are blasted away but the SC’s shields are down and the remaining 10 warships concentrate their fire on the SC’s bridge the SC takes seven more warships down. But then, the SC’s bridge blows up, making a chain reaction. Right then about 100 escape pods start blasting away from the ship, and then the ship finally blows up. The Blow was so tremendous that it destroyed tango three and tango four, and they were about two miles away from the blast. After that, the remaining enemy warships retreat and enter into hyperspace.

“This battle is won all fighters engage hyper drive and fly to the Everquest” says Wade.

Yes the battle was won but at what cost? A whole world is demolished and a SC is blown out of space.



This is the First Chapter of my Story. If people like it I might make a novel out of it. :D


PS: Mods please do not delete this it is very impotant that it stay here till at least 2 days from now :).

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