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hey guys look here very importent

Delphi's Clone

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come here and read a couple of pargens first posts before the voteing and a couple of his last posts after the voteing then read my posts lol then you will see that his last posts about the no votes counting against you should not happen and that every one should start out with 0 votes!!!!

http://forums.galacticbattles.com/showthread.php?threadid=2533this would be very undemocratic the way he wants to do it now.



give me your thoughts and sighn your name here to kill the no votes counting against you thing


i sighn here: Delphi's Clone

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Guest Tie Guy

Your jsut trying to save your own skin, because no one likes you, whereas if you hadn't of lied then you wouldn't have so many people dislike you. So, its your own fault, and tere is nothing wrong with it.


As for being undemocratic, it is more democratic this way. This way, the people who "no" aren't just said "Ok, well thats nice, but you don't count" to. This way everyone's opinion gets counted, not just those who said yes.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Delphi's Clone

when we vote for president do we count no votes NO!!!!! we dont only the yes votes and if you dont want me vote for someone els the no votes should mean nothing the first rouind was only supposed to be a filter


When we vote for President, do we even have "no" votes, NO!!! In a real election, it is one man against the other, not "yes" or "no", so your excuse is totally flawed and void. Just face it, you don't want it because it hurts you, and helps everyone else. Some things just don't fall your way, and this time it didn't because you pushed it in the opposite direction from you by lying.

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Delphi, did you even take the trouble to actually read my posts ?

They are clear. They outline the ideas toying around in my head for a second round. If you have enough votes in the second round, you go through period.


Now i'm thinking about the supermods having the power to vote 10 votes at once (it can be done).. they'd have to base that on forum behaviour, which is an indication of Senate-behaviour in ways..

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