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Rogue Squadron Utilities made by Luka_YJK


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For those of you who have Rogue Squadron 3D (pc version of Rogue Squadron) one of Rogue Squadron Forum members (who recently 'hacked' the forums) has been making utilities for Rogue Squadron 3D for a very long time.


First, there's RogueCar, it allows you to fly the Buick, which replaces the V-Wing.


Then there's Rogue Edit, which allows you to easily give yourself all gold medals, without actually playing the levels or entering in a code.


There's Rogue Arm 1.0 which is, the most recent utility, it allows you to change the power of your weaponry, as well as your opponents weaponry, making yourself, as well as your wingmen invincible to enemy fire (imagine Moff Seerdon's Revenge and Sullust, only u never DIE)! You can make their laser firer kill you within 1 shot, i made the stormtrooper fire destroy my y-wing, pretty cool stuff!



all that and more can be found here: http://rogue.squadron.tripod.com/download.htm


and for something special: http://rogue.squadron.tripod.com/_temp/roguearm.zip (save as something different than roguearm.zip, make it roguecraft.zip)



This last file allows you to fly virtually ANY craft in the speeder-only missions! it replaces Mos Eisely with the level of your choice!


I decided to post all this, so Luka_YJK would be remembered, not for hacking the forums, but for releasing alot of great utilities for Rogue Squadron 3D.

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