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Nice Collection of Jedi Outcast Screenshots


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I don't know about you, but it looks to me like the screen shot with the cardboard cutout stormies was doctored by cutting the stormie in the back, lightening it to get rid of the shadows, and pasting it several times to make it look like there were more. Notice that all the stormies (except the one to the right) are in EXACTLY the same position, and the back stormie actually looks like they do in the other screen shots.

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That "cut-out Stormtrooper" shot must be old.


BTW, it really is amazing how different (different also meaning better!) JO looks in the November PC Gamer than in the screens we have been given by LA. It truly looks like a different game to me.


Anyway my point being that the stormies from the "cut-out" shot are sad compared to the extremely photo realistic stormies in the PC Gamer.


Those who have only seen the screens on the web haven't seen anything yet in my opinion.:)


That also reminds me, weren't we supposed to have a video by now or something? JO is 2 months away and we haven't been given much at all. Pretty much every other game I can think of releases at least a video long before release. Sometimes more than a year. We received the first Soldier of Fortune 2 video quite some time ago.


I don't think I have ever seen a game kept in such secrecy in a long time. I wonder why? Not that it really matters now since JK2 is almost out, but there has been a signifigant drought of info on JK2 for months.


Hey, I want to be suprised too, but it seems abnormal to me.

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