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Multiplayer Map Revisited

Logan SkyWalker

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This post is not about what kinda maps they should make, more then how many really. I have played RTCW/sp and there are tons of maps in SP and only a handfull in MP to me this is a big mistake by these developers. I feel these user created maps are pretty well done but, not as well done as the developers could have done. And arent they in the bussness of making money, so heres what i propose if there arent as many MP maps as most would like we must let them know we would BUY A MAP PACK FROM RAVEN for MP, that would boost there revenues anyway but i havent seen this with QUAKE 3 or RTCW yet. Id personnaly by a map add on if it offered let say new MP characters and maps and maybe even weapons and force powers just for MP. Cause lets face it even if theres a dozen maps offered in the origanal we'll want 20 ....right ??? lol were never satisfied (just kiddin) :D


Jedi in Training,

Logan Skywalker

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Originally posted by Logan SkyWalker

we would BUY A MAP PACK FROM RAVEN for MP, that would boost there revenues anyway but i havent seen this with QUAKE 3 or RTCW yet. Id personnaly by a map add on if it offered let say new MP characters and maps and maybe even weapons and force powers just for MP. Cause lets face it even if theres a dozen maps offered in the origanal we'll want 20 ....right ??? lol were never satisfied (just kiddin) :D


First off, speak for yourself. i will NEVER buy a mapack, the developers should release free maps like other develops do, However i would buy an expansion pack. Looks to me if you are talking about a MP expansion pack. Raven basically sold the Elite Force Expansion pack as a mp add-on. Yes i know the EF expansion pack came with 2 sp missions. (sure, missions it took me 10 mins to finish them? what were u Raven guy smoking?)

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i'm quite happy buying an expansion pack but i'm not gonna buy maps and models. there needs to be more than maps and models in a retail addon pack such as new mp modes, new single play missions (that dont go for 10mins, Raven!). Epic were quite nice, they released FREE nice fatt packs with tons of maps, models etc over time which helped UT to still be popular to this day.


*YAY, it 400post but i'm now a Gungan :(*

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Hmmm...I seem to recall all of this has been discussed before...


Nevertheless, my own view is that Raven/Lucasarts should really consider doing both...


1. Release some bonus map packs (along the lines of those produced by the level designers for UT), for up to about a year after the game's release. This would introduce new MP maps to keep the game fresh for a while, although it would be totally dependent on the level designer's willingness to do this.


2. Release an Expansion Pack, with both SP and MP elements, for purchase in a year or more. This would serve to extend the longevity of both game modes of JKII, in a similar way that MotS did for JK.


If they could do that, it would increase the choice of the end gamer, and help to keep the community going strong until JKIII...hint, hint... :D

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

so no.2 could be a sequel to mots?


Eh? :confused:


Re-read my post...I'm talking about an expansion to JKII, not a sequel to MotS. I used MotS as an example of what could be done in terms of functionality enhancement and story progression.


Although, now that you mention it, depending on when JKII actually starts, there may always be room for an Expansion that fills in the gap between MotS and JKII. Though I think I'd prefer that as an illustrated novel again. ;)

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