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I am also disappointed in EFMI


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There are so many things that bug me about EFMI that I'm not sure if I'll finish playing it someday.


First, as cool as everyone thinks 3D graphics are, they are still very sketchy and are much less expressive than 2D. Just from seeing the pirates from the first scene I wondered why they bothered doing the game in 3D. Their faces look like big blocks of rock with a couple of chips to let you imagine where their facial features would be... And don't get me started with Elaine's hair... I would see the point of having 3D if it had BETTER graphics or if 3D motion made playing the game more enjoyable. But sincerely I do not see where the improvement is or how this makes the game look or work better. Maybe one of you 3D fans can explain what the advantages are.


And I hate not being able to use my mouse. I would tolerate the 3D stuff if I had my mouse back. I suppose I could use a joystick or gamepad if I had them, but there should still be the mouse option for those of us who choose to use it. Running the mouse over a scene was very useful to find objects. Guybrush has to walk (which is difficult in itself) all over to see if there is something he can use. And I miss having different "actions" for every object. Now we just have to find them and "use" them and the puzzle solves itself. Whatever happened to things that would not work when "pushed" but would when "pulled"? I liked having the option to choose what to do with the things. It seems that all this object use/pick-up has been overly simplified and it is not replaced with plot, humor or anything else, which leaves little to enjoy in the game.


I've been reading that the ending is also disappointing, which leaves me wondering if there is another adventure game I can play instead of this one. I've been a MI fan forever and have played all the other MI games, so I would be sad to leave this one unfinished.

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Originally posted by Tuckoo

I've been reading that the ending is also disappointing, which leaves me wondering if there is another adventure game I can play instead of this one. I've been a MI fan forever and have played all the other MI games, so I would be sad to leave this one unfinished.


Play Broken Sword for a really good adventure game, check out Revolution Software's official site for more information.

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I've played all the Monkey Island games and am close to the end of Act 1 of monkey island 4. (well, I think I am) I hated the keyboard at first, but I'm sorta getting used to it. I still would have prefered a mouse. I also wish that they could have made an interface similar to monkey island 3. Monkey island 3 was my favorite one. I did like the interface for the other monkey islands but at times I found myself very confused. I think you should stick to monkey island 4, because its getting funner as I go along!

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