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Meksilon's gay talk


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Originally posted by HaggisMcMuffin

Anyway, why would God make dinosaurs just to let them go extinct? Unless it was some Bigger plan that would somehow lead to the evolution of people. Also, what about the cambrian era? There were many weird and diverse species of animals that went extinct. Why would God make these creatures unless it was necessary because of evolution?


I just finished reading this really awsome book by David M. Raup, about evolution, called Extincion: Bad genes or bad luck?. It explains evolution as a bullet field: when there r 6 animals in a bullet field, there is a list of qualities u gotta follow to survive, and chances r that the blindest, stupidest and/or slowest will die, and some will get passed. When u have 4 million animals in a bullet field (the dinossaurs era, or even the PreCambrian) all u need may b luck. Picture now this huge, blind, stupid and slow animal, right in the middle of the bullet field, but surrounded by other animals: hes just not gonna get shot. When in this situation, ANY ramdom fact can change everything. Get the stupid animal in the bullet field: pretend a coconut falls in his head. He dies, and in the fall, he squises a little mamal that, in any other situation, would b the most likely to get past unharmed. There: human beings r history. just like that! My point is: its much more easy for a tornado to go over a car and build a plane, than it was for human beings to evolute. How did we do it? Cause every other animal was schit out luck. just like playing dice, its hard for me to imagine that some1 had forseen or premeditated taht.

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Originally posted by Natty

Tyrell don't take 2different posts of mine and try to pass it off as the same post- that's not fair, and it's considered lying which is a sin, you of all people should know that.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to pass it off as part of the same post, but I was just showing you why I included the line to keep it peaceful. We don't want a war here, okay?


Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop

in my oppinion, i think jesus was so ordinary, that he ddnt even want to form a new religion. Thats wot i think, i think he was just preaching love thy every1, etc, and ppl took it way too seriously (or maybe too seriously in a worng way, or diffrent than Jesus intended to

So THAT explains why he claimed, and proved he was the Son of God? And I don't like to comment on spelling, but yours is exceptionally poor.


Also what do you mean my facts are wrong? Here's the results of 2 minutes of research on Google:


Despite great efforts during recent years, the various estimates of this basic number have resulted in rather diverse values. When derived from current cosmological models, it depends on a number of theoretical assumptions that are not very well constrained by the incomplete available observational data. At present, a value in the range of 10-16 billion years is considered most likely.



Age of the earth "about 4.6 billion", see http://members.ozemail.com.au/~sjdando/earthage.htm


"It's impossible to believe that a 1,000 [unit] string of useful information was assembled and just laid down intact"


As you know, I agree with that logic. Even if it was assembled, what could it do in primordial soup?


Originally posted by HaggisMcMuffin

Tyrell: Hehe, I thought that was like your real name





Okay I'm over it :)


Originally posted by HaggisMcMuffin

Anyway, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A LUTHERAN IS?!! Havn't you ever heard of Martin Luther? And I'm not talking about the black guy, I'm talking about that German Monk that hammered the 95 theses on the church door!! You HAVE TO know who he is!!

Martin Luther King, yes of course I know who he is now you mention his name! No need to get angry, we still worship the same God don't we? And I respect Monks very much, and I can see why they lead their life like that, I'm very much like them except that I have a girlfriend, however should she fall through I won't be "on the lookout" for another :).


Originally posted by HaggisMcMuffin

Anyway, why would God make dinosaurs just to let them go extinct? Unless it was some Bigger plan that would somehow lead to the evolution of people. Also, what about the cambrian era? There were many weird and diverse species of animals that went extinct. Why would God make these creatures unless it was necessary because of evolution?

Well, that I can't answer except to say that I don't believe it holds much relevance today.



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One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.


When tweetle beetles battle / with their paddles in a puddle / and the puddle's in a bottle on a poodle eating noodles / is that called a tweetle beetle poodle noodle puddle bottle paddle battle?


Tell me, since I'm setting up my new website (as I said, DigitalRice can hardly keep me from realising my dream) I discovered a rather cool error page, when (if ever) I gain access to the .htaccess file I will use it. Here it is:




Note: this is only a temp site right now since I'm currently writing it, and the link at the bottom won't take you anywhere yet, so I suppose you should try http://aractus.marhost.com




PS: I don't think I deserved to be banned and would like to be welcomed back to this community by having my original account name Meksilon unbanned. I do not hate gays, which I've said over and over, you didn't listen. I'm simply expressing here what is right and wrong according to God's word and therefore expressing my disappointment in society.

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Fine- I don't mind if you come back, but only and if only we stop this arguing about religion and you accept the fact that yes I maybe catholic but it doesn't mean I have to agree with every aspect of the religion, also, just because we all have different opinions on religion or believe in different religions it doesn't mean we are wrong and you are right or you are wrong and we are right.

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Originally posted by Tyrell

So THAT explains why he claimed, and proved he was the Son of God?


did he? there r a lot of versions of Jesus life, and the 1 i watched, he ddnt


Originally posted by Tyrell

And I don't like to comment on spelling, but yours is exceptionally poor.


wot part of my post ddnt u understand?



every1=everyone ([sardcasm]OH, MY GOD!!!!! :p)

wot=what ( :freakout: )

oppinion=opinion ( :rolleyes: )

ddnt=didn´t ( :confused: )

diffrent=different ( :nut: )

anything else that u considered impossible to understand? :tongue:


Originally posted by Tyrell

Also what do you mean my facts are wrong? Here's the results of 2 minutes of research on Google: [/b]


ok, here is the result of 2 seconds of research on google: The thunders are a chemical reaction between water and oxigen.

And here is the result of 2 hours of research on google: The thunders are a chemical reaction between water and oxigen.


go search in google “2+2=3” . 1 of the sites ur gonna find is in portuguese, so im gonna give u a summary: it’s a 8 pages long essay proving that 2+2=3, with just logic and facts. If u don’t take care, ur gonna get actually convinced that 2+2=3 by reading that, AND IM SERIOUS!

Also in google, u can find stuff like “Hittler rules” or “Here is a picture proving that god exists” or even the turist guy picture in the building. Its pretty convincing, if u don’t know anything about the building, the area surrounding WTC, and phisics 101!


My point is: do not take any fact for granted!



Originally posted by Tyrell

Even if it was assembled, what could it do in primordial soup? [/b]


Sorry, I don’t understand this sentence. Wot is “it”?





Originally posted by Tyrell

Well, that I can't answer except to say that I don't believe it holds much relevance today.


and wot is relevant for u today?



Originally posted by Tyrell

Tell me who rolled it (it was a huge round thing, but I'm sure you know that), and who took the body and where they took it. And why. If you can actually figure that out then you can prove God doesn’t exist.


no comments on the fact that I figured it out?

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Tyrell: Martin Luther King Jr. was a black guy in America who was for equality between the races and all that stuff.

Martin Luther (NOT King Jr), was not black, and died long before Martin Luther King Jr. was born. He thought the church was corrupt and stated why he thought that by posting 95 theses on the church door. He is often credited for starting the reformation.


Lutherans today are NOT monks, even though Martin Luther was. Lutherans are alot like Catholics, except for several areas. Lutherans believe that to go to heaven, only faith is required. We also dont give a F*** what the pope thinks, or any other "doctor of the church" such as Augustine or others. Only Scripture is what we care about. Also, clergy and stuff can get married. The only reason why Catholic priests and stuff aren't allowed to get married is because of political reasons hella long ago.




Ok, now that that is cleared up:


Yeah I couldn't disagree with any of your statistics except for the one about how long it would take for dna to randomly construct itself. I havn't seen any dates like that anywhere. It seems possible to me because 4.5 billion years is an incredibly long time. Dna didn't just all of a sudden appear out of no where. The Basic Chemicals of life (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids) being together was the first step towards real life. Very Simple organisms arose from those and life progressed one step at a time. Short chains of RNA can be made to form in water spontaneously, and RNA works with DNA... I dunno somthing like that. Get some Genetisist to explain it =) Anyway, the idea is that life was incredibly simple, and progressed through the Natural phenomena of selection.



Al: Not just somebody premeditated that, God did. IF your a Christian, you believe God is all powerfull and all knowing. It should be easy for someone who created the entire Universe to figure out something like how to get humans to evolve.

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Originally posted by HaggisMcMuffin

Al: Not just somebody premeditated that, God did. IF your a Christian, you believe God is all powerfull and all knowing. It should be easy for someone who created the entire Universe to figure out something like how to get humans to evolve.


if it was only the law of the most fit, wot ur saying would make some sence, but when setting up a world so ramdom as that... In that last scenario, even if god did take that rock out of the big and stupid animal away, there would be more 057q465019346589164398265092865 simultanious tasks for god to accomplish just to get the humans to evolve. and then again, y would he want the HUMANS to evolve? y would he want the world to evolve like it did? u see the problem w the ramdomness scenario? its not only impossible to act over it, but it is also pointless!


ps- i was catholic, but i became atheist when i was 12 or 13, by reading books, and asking myself questions like that.






4 men in a plane discussing religion. 1 hindu, 1 muslim, 1 catholic, and 1 atheist. Suddenly, the plane breaks, and there r no parachutes (sp?) in it.

CATHOLIC: Ok, so this is wot were gonna do: we jump of the plane, and each 1 prays for their god. The 1 that gets saved knows the true religion.

The Muslim jumps and dies.

The Hindy jumps and dies.

CATHOLIC: I know i had the true religion!!!!

He prepares to jump, all confident, when the atheist stops him. ATHEIST: Wait a minute, wot about me? I dont believe in any god.

CATHOLIC: Well, u can stay on the plane, u know ur gonna die anyways...

He jumps. When he is falling he sees god catching the plane and putting it safe in the ground.

CATHOLIC: Hey, I am the catholic!!!

GOD: I know, but in times like these, its the marketing that counts.

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