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Got a favor to ask....


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Since im staying here on the forums (yay) I need a new sig bannar :) dont ask me why because all Ill say is look at Eets' ;) Anywho, if theres any good amimaters or just plain bannar makers out there that will make a bannar, or animated bannar for me, id appreciate it since I really, really suck at it :D Thanks.


P.S. For the way I want it to look like, it dosent matter, just make it cool ;)

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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

Id like to see what your imagination is made of :D BTW, Tie, It appears that you like FFX? Well I rented it and I gotta say its awesome!! But...dont you think they made the begenning too hard? I mean, you cant be a noob to beat this one ;)


The beginning is really easy, the whole game is. I beat the final boss in one hit without him even taking a turn. Of course, the final boss isn't a very far cry from the toughtest boss in the game.....


Anyways, did mean the Zanarkand part or....what?

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Yea when you running from the .....er...whats his name......SIN! That part...its kinda hard at first...im a bit rusty since I havent played FF8 for like a year :p But Im now at the part where you go inside the forbidden thing....and looking for the missing God or somthing but Im a little confused...thank God for Walkthroughs :D

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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

Yea when you running from the .....er...whats his name......SIN! That part...its kinda hard at first...im a bit rusty since I havent played FF8 for like a year :p But Im now at the part where you go inside the forbidden thing....and looking for the missing God or somthing but Im a little confused...thank God for Walkthroughs :D


A tip for the first boss....It is IMPOSSIBLE to die because of his demi attack, which is his only attack. So, just finish off his little scales with aurons overdrive and then sit back and attack. You won't be prepared for the next battle though if you have really low HP so use a potion or 2 near the end.


As for it being confusing....its the least confusing FF game ever. All you have to do is follow the red arrow.

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