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Weekends are slow on this forum!


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well... every weekend i spent time with my girlfriend... and 1 weekend we are at my place (where i have Internet) and the other weekend we are at her place (with no internet) so that is why I dont post every weekend.


and to post count... well my post count was added to eachother because i had 2 acounts before the forum with a large post count... .... well to be honest i posted a lot more after the joing mostly because i have got ADSL!! :D :D





"So here I am stark naked, locked out of my quarters, running around the corridors looking for a towel, a rag, anything, and I turn a corner and bump right into the executive officer. He has about the same sense of humor as a Wookiee with a rash. So I throw my best salute and say, 'Major, I regret to report only partial succes with the Personal Cloaking Device.'"

-Garik Loran-

X-wing Series, Book 5. Wraith Squadron.

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