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LIghtsaber throw control


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When kyle throws the lightsaber will he be able to control it mid flight to catch more enemies in it's deadly reach or is it just a straight throw? I hope it's like OBI-Wan where you can control it, even though OBI-WAN was pretty suck it was fun to play through to a certain extent.

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I'm pretty sure by looking at the video, that you will able to control it by looking in the direction you want it to travel. If not, it auto aims which would be quite lame.:(


Try out Saber Batlle X version 3 for MotS to get a feel how that might be. Shadow X added a controllable Saber Throw and it works wonders.:)

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I guess that is one reason, why there is a targeting reticle also in third person: so that you could control your saber more easily, while it's in "mid flight". I don't know how much actual time you have controlling it though, but the way it's integrated into JK2 kinda reminds me of those old Super Star Wars games for SNES where Luke can also throw his saber and control it as long as he has enough Force mana; after that it returns to his grasp automatically.

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If they are gonna imbalance the weapons like in JK, I woulnd't mind one bit if they made the Saber the best since that's what I'm looking forward to most.:)


However, that's not ALL I'm looking forward to, so hopefully it's not all powerful.


Let's also not forget that the Saber Throw can be knocked out of the air leaving the opponent vulnerable to attack.:) Now I'm beginning to wonder if we will be able to knock it out of the air with say....a blast from a gun. That would be sweet!

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Originally posted by SlowbieOne

If they are gonna imbalance the weapons like in JK, I woulnd't mind one bit if they made the Saber the best since that's what I'm looking forward to most.:)


Me too!! :D


Let's also not forget that the Saber Throw can be knocked out of the air leaving the opponent vulnerable to attack.:) Now I'm beginning to wonder if we will be able to knock it out of the air with say....a blast from a gun...


...or another thrown Saber... that could be lotsa fun :D


Whaddya think?

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Now I'm beginning to wonder if we will be able to knock it out of the air with say....a blast from a gun. That would be sweet!

Yeah, then its owner must pull it quickly back to his grasp or his enemy is going to use him for target practice. This also opens up another question that I don't seem to remember anyone asking before: can we use our enemies' guns after we pulled them away from their hands like Luke tried to do in RotJ? :cool:

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Raven seem a bit OVER-enthusiastic about the sabre throw. While I agree it was too rubbish in the original, in the video clip they seemed to think that by using throw all the time, you wouod 'feel more like a Jedi'


Huh? If I want to act like the Jedi from the new films, the LAST thing I want to be doing is flinging my sabre around all the time (presumably leaving myself open to being shot to pieces). It was a one-off trick that Vader used in a duel, just ONCE, while showing off his powers, NOT a general combat move!


In any case, as for the control... might it lock onto a target, like the old lock-on powers in JK?

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I mostly agree with you, Ushgarak, but as I said Super Star Wars games(ESB & RotJ) already had this as one of their Force powers, then MotS revisited it and now we are in a situation where both Obi-Wan and JK2 feature it; it's there and doesn't seem to leave anymore. Even though Vader used it only as a way to show his powers(even this is quite controversial, because it didn't come back to his grasp immediately or at least movie doesn't show it) and at the same time to provoke Luke to fight, it's quite truthful to have it available, if someone wants/needs to use it.

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