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(OT--GR's Andromeda) More Bad News

Flying Beastie

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Rather than reviving my old Andromeda thread (which, IIRC, degenerated into a Trek thread :rolleyess ), I'm starting a new one.


Andromeda's 3<sup>rd</sup> Season writing staff has been announced, and yet another writer has been canned.


Ethlie Anne Vare was one of the founding writers of the show, and was responsable for some of the most character-driven episodes (including The Pearls That Were His Eyes, which was Gemini Nominated*). Ethlie (who posted frequently to alt.tv.andromeda on Usenet, and was a key mouthpiece [and friend] for the fans) was also the only female writer on the show.


More information on Ethlie's departure can be found at the obligatorypetition page, but suffice to say that she was "too good" for the New Order of the series. The producers obviously feel that they won't need well-written female characters as long as the women wear skimpy enough costumes and scream at the right times. :snear:


Adding insult to injury, Ethlie's replacement as Head Writer (after she herself stepped up to replace Wolfe) will be Robert Engels, whose previous credits include Twin Peaks and Seaquest DSV ( :eyeraise: ).


<small>* The Gemini Awards are like the Canadian Emmies.</small>

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Depends on what channels you're watching. ;)

For example... un-named sources tell me that these attributes you seek can be readily found on certain late-night pay-per-view cable channels. :joy:


I wouldn't know anything about this from personal experience, you understand.





*OW! Damn these headaches... stupid scrambled transmissions...*

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Guys could you PLEASE tone down the lack of decency and thread hijacking?


It's very tiresome, and making comments about women every few posts is also very old.(And just seems to show more desperation than anything.)


In regards to this current thread.


I'd say Andromeda was doomed the moment they tacked Gene's name on it.


The heads of anything Gene makes seem to LOVE running the shows into the ground. :p

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Originally posted by Nob Akimoto

making comments about women every few posts is also very old.(And just seems to show more desperation than anything.)


Dude, you are one a STAR WARS FORUM, by definition 85% of the people here are and will stay virgins, <b>forever</b>. I fhtat isn't desperation, I dunno what is! :D

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Unfortunately, I have to watch it on Global. Global loathes anything relating to sci-fi, so I'm not seeing the new episode until tomorrow (unless Global finds something to pre-empt it with, like a documentary on the history of dryer lint :snear: ).


As for the new Bab5 movie, I'll be able to see that only when Space Channel decides to do something cool.


I HATE living in a country where Cartoon Channel and Sci-Fi are illegal!

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Originally posted by Hans The Great

Illegal?!? Where do you live?




Y'see, unlike every other country on Earth (and most of the "nations" of the galaxy) Canada defines its national identity by omission.


We are not Britain. We are not the U.S. We are not France. . .


What this means is that our governmental "culture police"* impost Broadcast Standards on any network in Canada. All Canadian networks must have a certain amount of Canadian Content (I think it's something like 60%). Unfortunately, "Canadian Content" is News, Politics, Sports, and the Red Green Show. Networks only need to "match" U.S. franchises with "equivalent" programming.


So, you see, all the American specialty channels have a bureaucratically-generated counterpart on Canadian cable. US has Sci-Fi, we have Space: The Imagination Station. You have Cartoon Network, we have Teletoon. You have MTV, we have MuchMusic. You have a multi-armed cultural empire covering most of Earth, we have Possum Lodge.**


Another problem is that Most Canadian network programmers are bureaucrats, which means that they don't actually watch what they're airing.


Teletoon, for instance, is aware of the "fact" that Cartoons are for Children. So, they only play Canadian-produced material that appeals to grade school-aged kids, with a half-hour of animé at a dead-end timeslot (one season of Cardcaptors, played over, and over, and over, and out of order, to boot :snear: ).


So, I haven't seen Legend of the Rangers and even watching Andromeda is a weekly ordeal, because Global only knows the show as "Sci-Fi. 1h timeslot. PG." and (A) never play it in the same timeslot twice, and (B) never air it more than three weeks in a row without pre-empting it.


I'm still waiting for CHTV to air SG-1; I haven't seen new episodes since April!


*<small>Actually, several different organizations devoted to "Canadian Cultural Identity."</small>


*<small>A little Red/Green humour: Possum Lodge is where the gang hangs out, it's a decrepit wooden cottage/trailer park held together with duct tape and rusty nails.</small>

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Mainframe (the company behind Reboot, War Planets/Shadow Raiders, Beast Wars/Beasties, and Beast Machines) is Canadian, actually, but it's affiliated with YTV, which is one of the only cool networks in Canada. YTV was responsable for airing Gundam Wing. That's how cool they are. :D


Then again, Andromeda is made by Tribune/Fireworks entertainment, and look what they're doing.

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