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Pre-rendered cut-scenes


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In the chat transcript from LEC there's a question:


"Praetor: are you thinking in making cinematic cut-scenes just like Jedi Knight? or will they be rendered just like the rest of the game?


Jedi Outcast: It's a mixture of pre-rendered and in-game cinematics. "


I guess that the "cinematics part" of the game is most mysterious and unprecised so far. I mean: what are proportions of this "mix"? I hope that the cutscenes will be kept in the JK way(pre-rendered movie every mission), not in MotS way (on-engine cins). However the most probable solution is that only intro and outro will be pre-rendered, as all cut-scenes will use game engine. Just imagine e.g. a Star Destroyer generated by Q3A engine and those rigid dialogs like in RtCW. IMHO it would really suxx. Separate matter is the quality of pre-rendered cinematics and who will make it: Raven or LEC? What do you think?

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I'm guessing it will be more like MOTS then anything.


Honestly, when I watch the JKII intro: I had better get the same chills that I still do now after watching the JK's amazing intro. I really don't know if that's possible using pre-rendered cut-scenes though.


As far as who will do the cut-scenes: I'm sure Raven will make them according to LEC's story line.

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If we take EF as an example, use of pre-rendered cutscenes and in-game cinematics was done quite effectively: intro movie and all space scenes, which show us Voyager in trouble were pre-rendered(animation quality itself was good enough, but compression might have been a little bit better), while in-game cinematics only moved story along and both started and ended missions. I think this worked overally quite well, even though transitions from pre-rendered to in-game could have needed some tweaking here and there. Someone else did pre-rendered cutscenes(I don't remember who) and because LEC watches carefully over development of JK2, I wouldn't be surprised, if they did those animations themselves. :D

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