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third person crosshair


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When your charachter is in third person view, will the crosshair be centered in the middle of the screen, or be moving around controlled by the mouse (eg rainbow 6 third person view)


in jedi knight 1, i always used third person view with a small sticker in the center of my screen as an aimer (setting it up perfectly was a very complex process :rolleyes: ). Im hoping it will be centered in jk2, or mabye a toggle atleast. does anyone know?

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I am 100 percent certain it is centred. There would be no point in having a freeform moving crosshair in 3rd person. You look where you want to shoot. Since the lightsaber attacks and blocking will be movement-based, it is essential to turn rapidly to meet an attack or dish out some pain, in 1st or 3rd person viewpoints, using mouselook (or using whichever controller you prefer instead of a mouse). :)

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Welcome, Indy4 (look at my sig ;) ).


Yes, it does seem like the selection is similar to EF. Personally, I'd like to see a few more Star Wars type crosshairs. Something like the angle-brackets from MotS, maybe. Or perhaps variations on the New Republic/Imperial logos. And...of course...the new JKII logo... ;)

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Originally posted by StarScrap

It occurs to me that they could probably "paint" it on whatever you would hit like a laser and still allow you full mouse movement.


Actually...that's what Raven did with Heretic II. The crosshair jumped a bit to a potential target, and remained on that target as it moved (within certain bounds). It even increased and decreased in size dependent on how close the target was. So it is possible... ;)

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

Only problem with Heretic II that I found(and I only played demo) was that you couldn't move your mouse freely without using "mouse look" key at the same time. :(


Either you didn't change it in the settings...or there was a problem on your system - or it wasn't supported in the demo. The full game of Heretic II did allow you to mouselook just by moving the mouse around, without having to press a key. :)

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