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Saber lighting


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When I look at the screenshots you can see a very clear spotlight-like light right below the player when he's holding his lightsaber. This looks kinda fake IMO. Also, I don't recall seeing the lightsaber illuminating the environment much.

Do you guys think they're going to improve the lighting? I expect they will have sabers casting light on the surroundings, but will they change the ugly spot-light effect?

Also, in another thread i asked if Jedi Knight 2 would have dynamic lighting. Now I wonder, will the lightsaber cast shadows?


btw, do any of the developers ever visit these forums? Where do they post most frequently??

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I dont think a lightsaber would make much of a shadow anyway....defiantly nothing noticable. It produces more of a dull glow than a bright light. From what we've seen in the screenshots it lights up the enviroment nicely. We havent seen any dark enough rooms yet though to show us this very well.....im sure in time this will become clear.

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Lightsaber should also cast light on Kyle himself(remember Episode II Forbidden Love trailer scene, where saber quickly illuminates Anakin's face during duel), because he is most closest to its source. Otherwise it illuminates the immediate environment quite well and it seems that Raven has even blurred the edges of "spot-light" which appeared so clearly in older screens. :saberb:

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

I dont think a lightsaber would make much of a shadow anyway....defiantly nothing noticable.


If you watch the final fight in TPM you'll see lightsabers do have shadows. The reason is that a lightsaber prop uses a plexiglass rod to mark the position of the blade. As for a "real" lightsaber, it's long been theorized the glow comes from plasma, either gererated by the blade or atmoshpere trapped and superheated at the edge of the blade. Either way, the plasma has mass and would cast a shadow. It would be slightly faded becaule of its own glow, but it would be noticable. Unless, of course, the lightsaber were the only light source in the room.

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