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Favourite Type of Map

Guest Boba Sith

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Guest Boba Sith

What is your favourite type of map. I like playing Forest as it is perfect for Wookiee troop buiding.


What is your favourite map and why?

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Well, OK, within the genre of "Random Maps," I like Precipice, Arena, Hoth, and Nova Assault. I also have a bit of a fancy for Tatooine, but not as much as the other 4. I like most maps, though, except the space ones. As cool as those might seem at first, I find them annoying -- it's hard to tell the black of space from the black of unexplored areas. Yeah, space has stars, but it doesn't have the same visual contrast as other terrain features. I think they should've done white for unexplored areas on space maps, or some other color.

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