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Multiplayer Force Powers


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I've been wondering if the MP force powers' strength is dependent on how far you are with your single player character, or if it's just plain defined for whoever is playing. I think there should be the option for both, with the default being somewhere in between, and if you're almost finished the single player, you can be super powerful in MP as well. That way people in multiplayer won't just start massacring everyone with super powerful force lightning, but instead if you want REALLY POWERFUL lightning, you have to work your way up SP first.

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Greetings to one and all. Dazilla, ah, if only it could be. But, I'm pretty sure there'll be some players who jump straight into Multiplayer first, and end up happy as proverbial clams with full power lightning. Actually I'll be sorely tempted to do so myself... but SP is a sacred tradition, and must be savoured before MP, IMO. ;)

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Originally posted by dazilla

I've been wondering if the MP force powers' strength is dependent on how far you are with your single player character, or if it's just plain defined for whoever is playing. I think there should be the option for both, with the default being somewhere in between, and if you're almost finished the single player, you can be super powerful in MP as well. That way people in multiplayer won't just start massacring everyone with super powerful force lightning, but instead if you want REALLY POWERFUL lightning, you have to work your way up SP first.


That sounds RPG-ish..somewhat like Deus Ex: the more people you kill, the more skills you can have.

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i'd personally rather JO stuck to the FPSer limiting the RPG element to allocating force stars, etc.


for me, it'd suck to be limited not by my own skill, but by the time i didn't want to spend leveling my character..


if i wanted that system i'd go play D2 or something...

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Originally posted by [eVe]DeathBoLT

i'd personally rather JO stuck to the FPSer limiting the RPG element to allocating force stars, etc.


for me, it'd suck to be limited not by my own skill, but by the time i didn't want to spend leveling my character..


if i wanted that system i'd go play D2 or something...


Me too, although Deus Ex is a nice game, it sucks in Multiplayer because once you killed about 5 people in a row, you never die because your skill is so high

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Kenn says: "In most game-types you will be able to customize your character by choosing a Light or Dark side Force path."

As in SP you can use both Light and Dark Forves it means that there will be completely separate MP module, which gonna have nothing to do with progress in SP.

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Originally posted by Desslock

If its too powerful, Raven will probably fix it.


My vision of Lightning would do more damage than in JK-I, but drain your force power MUCH quicker. Doing this would make it become a finisher move though, since blocking uses force power.


I also think that Force Lightning should have a radius of range of fire...not just concentrated on one person...:lightning

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yes, but then you get continuity violations, in that dark jedi will go around trying to fry other dark jedi. No dark guy will go for a light one if they know that the other guy has absorb. I'd rather attack with lightning someone who can't block, only counterattack. If you surprise them, it would take longer to counterattack than to block, since you have to line up a counterattack, and you don't an absorb.

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dark jedi will go around trying to fry other dark jedi. No dark guy will go for a light one if they know that the other guy has absorb.


You've highlighted the exact problem that plagued light v. dark matches in JK1, Dazilla. Lightsiders had nothing to hit the opponent with, and their dark opponents got bored of trying to breach the Absorb, so they went and attacked the other darksiders. Personally I hope that Raven make the Light side much more pro-active (in that the light side should have SOME detrimental effects on the enemy) but I also hope that they don't utterly remove the defensive element to it.


Balance! Balance is everything. The good thing about modern gaming is that patches can be released to counter any unfeasibly huge Force Power imbalances! I hope LEC takes a concerted stance on the regular release of such patches too. They've always been a little "Fire and Forget" when it comes to their game releases. :tsk:

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AS I said -absorb probably back for light users

There is a huge range of possibilities to balance or give counters for Dark Side, from weakening/increase "mana" drain to the very open area of new forcepowers, anyway Raven will think of something.


And they should definately consider the idea of -A Jedi only uses the force for knowledge and protection...but sometimes the best defense is offense.

If u have read the Hand of Thrawn Duology u may have noticed a suggestion that Yoda uses some sort of Blue Fire attack, or maybe I remember wrong

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Also, maybe lightning will impede the person's ability to use the saber, so if they're trying to fry a light jedi who has absorb activated, all the light jedi has to do is come up to him: crush him, grind him into tiny pieces, and blast him into oblivion.

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