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NFL Corresponder?


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Well, I wanted to know if anyone wanted to help with some serious analysis with next week's games, and outlook (like a pregame show) If anyone wants to set up something, leave yer name here. I also wanted to know if anyone wanted to analyze each team for the NFC championship game. I will do the AFC because the Steelers are in it.

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Okay my predictions


1. Unless hired assassins are lurking around there is no way the Rams won't go all the way.


2. The AFC Championship game is a toss up in my eyes... It can go any way


3. Despite not making the playoffs, Denver kicks so much ass.


4. The Super Bowl Halftime SHow will suck so much...


5. The Steelers won't win

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Guest Mal *Nexsis*

playboy playmate fear factor halftime show...so I don't think the halftime show will suck at all...at least from a guys point of view

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