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Rebellion 2? FC 2?


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What do u think?


After seeing some other ppl taking about these, i start to think, and here is what i thought:


Rebellion 2 : Fallen of Republic

You can be either Republic, Trade Federation, Sith....etc. THe time should be around Prequel. You have to save/end the "Old" Republic. The 3D space Battle could be upgrade like "Homeworld" or...




Force Commander expansion: New Jedi Order

There should add one more side: Yuuthan Vong, and the original Rebel become New Republic, Imperial became Renment. there should be two line of mission, which u can choose from NR or IR. This game will be more like RA2: Revenge of Yuri, that YV didn't have campion game, but u can choose them in Multi Player. And of cource, the engine should be done better.


Force Commander 2 : Galactic Republic

There are many side: Republic, TF, other trade guild, or even Sith....the story line can be set before EP1.


How is "above"?

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Well, lets start off with the idea for Rebellion 2. In my opinion it is thw rong time period. the only time period that really works for me is anythign dealing with the empire and the new republic. but that doesnt matter as much as how the game is played. from the way you describe it, rebellion 2 would just be the same rebellion with some new skins and characters and other stuff slapped on. but thats just my opinion.


as for the Force Commander expansion. well, look at it this way. in order for there to be an expansion, you have to own the origianl version of the game. and lets face facts, forece commander bombed big time, and only a handful of people actually own it.


and as for a sequal to it. yeah, sure, it will probably work if you exclude the words "force commander" from the title. people know how bad the original game did, so if they know it is a sequal, they probably wont be in much of a rush to go and buy a sequal to a horrible game.


now here is one of my ideas for a new lucasarts game. the one part about rebellion that i really liked was the 3d space battle simulator. despite the fact that the graphics for it weren't the greatest, lucasarts had a very good idea with that simulator. the idea of commanding your own fleet of star destroyers or reliviing the battle of endor (except you are in command). you start off the game as either the empire or the new republic. you start out with a small fleet and a small amount of resources. as you progress through the game you battle other fleets, capture planets, and protect your territory from the enemy. the more fleets you defeat and the more planets you conquer the more resources you receive from your government to build a larger fleet. you keep playing until you completely destroy the enemy. now instead of just the empire vs. the new republic, you will have other small factions like pirates, smugglers, the hutts, and others that will pop in from time to time to make your life a little harder. if you could make alliances with some of these factions, you could use them to help you destroy your enemy (either the empire or new republic, depending on which side you start the game).


That was just my idea for a game. it is something i would like to see made, but of course, what do i know about designing games, all i do is play the games.

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Another Rebellion fan has to voice his opinion. I liked Rebellion quite a bunch myself. Fergie chime in any time. I also liked Force Commander a whole lot. The only bug I ever found was once I ungarrisoned Dellis but he didn't come out. But he wasn't in the building either. He just disappeared. I still needed that lousy s.o.b. too. That was most annoying. Rebellion 2 would be good, the only additions I think should be made are. The Hapan. The Yuuzhan Vong. And a more advanced battle command. Like actually being to take over a capitol ship. That is what would make it really cool.

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Well, i certainly wouldn't mind seeing a Rebellion 2, that would be great. I really enjoyed the first one, the thing i would want to see changed is the combat system, that was a letdown for sure.


As for FoCom 2, i wouldn't really care about that. The first game had alot of things i was really dissapointed in, and i know that a sequel wouldn't sell well.

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I love rebellion. I played it about 2 months ago, and it was still just as sweet as I remembered it. Totally awesome. I also enjoyed Force Commander. I thought it was cool to see the size of a AT-AT standing next to a storm trooper, and the air units did not just stand and hover over its targets. :biggs:

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