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Im Back....


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Since I don't want to start a new "I'm Back" thread I'll post on this one.


On Thursday, I was happily burning away the midnight oil posting up a storm, when suddenly a thunderstorm started outside my window. I started to shut off my computer as fast as I could. But static electricity started jumping around the screen and I got shocked badly while turning it off. I then proceeded to try and log on the next day, when to my surprise my modem connected at a speed of just above 100 bytes per second. This was of course after about 20 billion dial-up attempts. I was able to post a couple of times when I got one decent connection, but I had to replace my modem. Now I am able to post again and I have better speed than ever. I'm sorry if I bring up old topics like this one, but I feel a need to reply to everything.

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You shut your computer off during an electrical storm because, if there is a surge into your computer through the electrical cord then it can purge your computer's memory and fry the processor. Left my hand tingly for a little while that shock did.

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